Chapter 14 - Operation Rogue Arsenal

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August 14th 2023
Phoenix Company HQ
50 miles outside of Verdansk

Raven, Shane and many members of the group were attending a memorial for the loss of Bilak on their previous mission. US flags and the insignia of the Phoenix Company were in the room as they walked up to the casket that was used to honor Bilak since they couldn't recover the body.

Shane was the next highest ranking officer, so he was the one to take the mantle as Leader of Phoenix Company. He would step in front of the casket and start a speech.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, close friends, I'm happy to see many of you here today but we all have lost a great friend and teammate. A man who we all should strive to be. I served with him day in and day out from the cities and forests of Verdansk to Rebirth Island. Even through the worst of it all, he was the light in the dark. He was always there to lift everyone up. But while on a mission he saved us and was unfortunately left behind. We managed to escape but he was lost in the process. We shall continue to fight AQ and Konni in his honor. His sacrifice shall not be in vain."
Shane would step off and sit down as he looked at the casket wondering to himself where Bilak's body would be.

August 15th 2023
Just outside of Al Mazrah airspace
Time: 1200
Shane had gotten in contact with Shadow Company in regards of their findings in the bunker. Multiple Squads from Phoenix Company have joined Shadow Company on the raid on the inside of chemical weapons facility. After a short amount of time of everyone loading up, Graves would pass by everyone and a voice would speak over the intercom.

"Welcome to Operation Rogue Arsenal, Russian paramilitary known as the Konni Group is manufacturing and stockpiling chemical weapons which poses a direct threat to global security. Your tasking is to destroy their facility and secure the chemical weapons cache. The commander on this op is Phillip Graves, callsign Shadow 0-1. If you want to get shit done, he's the man you want in charge. 0-1, you have the con." The voice over the intercom would cease and Graves would start to speak.

"Thank you General, this is a airborne to ground assault on the Konni occupied Zaya Observatory. Intel reports a subterranean level is hiding an arsenal of chemical munitions big enough to take out the Middle East and Europe. Our primary objective is to keep that from happening. We're going to do that in four phases, the first of which will be to infil from the air. Targets are currently defended by active SAM sites. Planes will be taking direct fire so expect a bumpy ride. From the offset LZs, all shadows will mobilize to your first objective. One of eight enemy missile launchers located around the perimeter of the Observatory. You will take over your assigned launcher and on my mark, initiate a focused fire attack. Destroying Zaya and blasting ourselves one collosal entry point into that underground complex. Once inside, you will locate the chemicals, collect as many cannisters as you can and double time to an extract point. where you will exfil your cargo and yourselves.
This will not be a walk in the park, but high risk is high reward. I'll be with you on comms. Now are we good to get some?"

The group would simultaneously respond
"Yip yip."

"I said are we good to get some?!" Graves would respond to get the group riled up and ready to roll.

"Yip yip!" the group would respond louder and more enthusiastic.

"Alright, let's get locked and loaded." Graves would walk towards the cockpit as everyone checked their kit.

Several C-130 transport planes flew over the area as they immediately started taking anti aircraft fire. Shane, Team Dark and Eclipse Squad would jump from the plane. All landing together in the open desert near the SAM launcher. As they all moved together, they took out any resistance in their path with no mercy and immediately fired upon any reinforcement helicopters that flew in while quickly securing the SAM.
"Shane, on your left!" Rogue called out to him as a squad of Konni moved towards him and he would spray his Scorpion Evo in their direction. Dropping several members of Konni group in one drum magazine as the rest of the team searched and secured the area.

After the SAM was secured, a MRAP would be dropped for them. They piled in and drove up to Al Sharim pass as they waited on other squads to meet up with them.

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