Chapter 13 - Operation Black Desert

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Bilak sat in his office looking through his computer and received a forwarded message.

Classified Transmission received from the Office of Clandestine Operations:
Forward from: Lt. Commander Raven, Lead Intelligence Officer
Original message from: Unknown Contact
To: Lt. Commander Raven, Lead Intelligence Officer
Time of original message received: August 8th, 1:36 pm

U:Major conflict incoming. A lot of opportunity.
U:We need someone like you, with experience in Al Mazrah.
U:Are you able to receive sensitive intel?
U: Understood, expect mission critical intel. A taste of what's to come.
~Attachment below~

An image of a map, seemingly surrounding the area of the Zaya Observatory. With dots around the area all pointing towards the observatory.
R: Awaiting instruction.
U: Enough for now. More information coming soon.
~End Transmission~

Another transmission would be forwarded to Bilak and he would open the transmission.
Classified Transmission received from the Office of Clandestine Operations:
Forward from: Lt. Commander Raven, Lead Intelligence Officer
Original message from: Unknown Contact
To: Lt. Commander Raven, Lead Intelligence Officer
Time of original message received: August 8th, 7:32pm
U:Tell your crew we have work for them. There are many sites to secure.
~Attachment below~
Another image, this time being what appears to be Soviet era SAM system.
R:Are the locations known at this time?
U:You will hear from me when we have what we need. Spread the word.
R: Understood, It's going to be a hard task without help but, I will let my squad know and we will prepare for what's coming.
~End Transmission~

Bilak would get up from his desk and make his way to Raven's office. Seeing she was having a conversation with someone in the room. She would notice Bilak and send the person out of the room before saluting him.

"At ease Raven, we have important things to discuss." Bilak said as he closed the door and Raven sat down.

"Can I get a explanation of what exactly those transmissions were supposed to mean? Are we under an immediate threat at this time?" Bilak would ask as he stared at Raven.

"The transmissions seemed to be about an upcoming attack, but who is going to attempt the attack is unknown but I have a suspicion based off of recent Intel we received. We have reason to believe we have Russian forces of unknown backing in Al Mazrah. My suspicions are Konni Group."
Raven explained.

"The Ultranationalist group? The hell would they want with the observatory?"
Bilak seemed a bit confused by the Konni group being behind the upcoming attack.

"I don't know but it can't exactly be good. So I have a lead on Intel inside of that underground complex, you went to. Apparently that's where they operate from. I need a team to go in and investigate for any actionable Intel that could link the two."
Raven said as she shifted around folders and papers on her desk.

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