Chapter 12 - Operation Fierce Fighter

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Bilak and his team rappel out of a helicopter into a flat stretch of sand next to the road and get their guns ready in case of an engagement. Bilak having a supressed FAMAS in hand as a recent shipment of them came in because of his personal preference for it in combat operations.

"Stay close people and get ready to move to cover. We don't know what we are dealing with here." Bilak said as his team moved for a 4 story building before hearing a round smack the wall next to them.

"Sniper!!! Get in the building!!!" *Bilak would kick the door open and run inside to a staircase with his two squadmates behind him. They would hear footsteps inside the building as they closed the door.

"Is anyone in here?" Bilak said as he held up his FAMAS to watch the top of the staircase in case that they got engaged.

"Yeah, we aren't looking for a fight. If you would like to work together that would be great for us." The person at the top of the stairs said as Bilak kept his gun up.

"Yeah, we are just trying to move through the area, but we took sniper fire. If we could find some way to take them out, we would be able to proceed forward." Bilak said as he lowered his weapon and proceeded up the stairs, with both teams meeting at the top. The leader presenting a TAQ-M in a long range marksman configuration to Bilak.

"Here, I don't need it and considering how your team is right now, I know you would need this. Use it to the best of your ability, we will draw their fire for you to take the shot." The leader of the sqaud said as Bilak took it out of his hands and put the rifle on his sling.

A few minutes later, Nova squad and their new allies spread out a long the highway as Bilak was on top of the building they were just in. After a short amount of time they were engaged again by the snipers in the unfinished towers across the river. Shots cracking the road and the metal dividers near them as they fired back. Bilak got a sight of a team moving into the other construction sight and started to fire the supressed TAQ-M while the bipod was mounted on the wall at the team.

"This is Nova Lead to Nova Element, you have at least two operators moving for the right tower, I sent rounds but they got in there too quick expect them to be topside shortly." Bilak grabbed his radio and told the team about what was to come.

A round quickly grazed his helmet and knocking it off of his head, he would fall back and call into the radio again.
"Nova Lead is hit but not injured, I repeat hit but not injured. I'm repositioning at this time. I need support to move. how copy? Over."

"We read you Nova Lead, you are clear to move as soon as you start hearing us fire. Over and out." Shane would respond as he started to fire his RAAL MG, belt links and 338 Norma Magnum casings flying out the side of the machine gun as it had a chugging like sound as the rounds were sent at the snipers in the construction towers. Bilak without his helmet sprinted across the roof and jumped a story down onto the highway, rolling forward as he was landing on the road. He would sprint and get behind Shane, mounting his TAQ-M on the metal divider to get stability. He looked to the tower and saw one of the snipers peaking around the corner of the tower. Bilak would take a deep breath and take aim at the target. After a short time, he pulled the trigger sending a single 6.5 Creedmoor round and seeing the sniper fall over into the open as he got hit straight through the head.

"One of them is down! Let's get moving!! Shane stick with me, so I can tell you accurately where to send rounds. Load up on the way."
He would run across the highway not too far away from Shane's position scanning the perimeter as Shane reloaded his machine gun.

Nova Squad would move across the highway and rappel down from the line on the highway. Bilak moving across the water for the first tower. Shane holding his machine gun up to the second tower as they hadn't taken any fire from them yet. As Bilak moved for the first Tower, he would see no signs of hostiles and use the elevator cable to ascend the tower.
Right when he would reach the top of the elevator, he fired up on the other sniper hiding and kicked him off the tower.

15 minutes later
Nova Squad grabbed an armored truck with a mounted .50 cal machine gun on the top and the six operators mounted up.

"Where are you headed?"
Bilak would ask the trio of operators they met in the field. Two of them spoke up.

"We are heading for the underground complex, we have some things to look for down there."
One of the operators agreed to stay with Bilak and he would quickly drive to the cordinates they gave him.

"Good luck to the both of you, we are on our way out of here. Nova Lead out."
As they start to dismount, AQ soldiers run up and attempt a ambush which quickly failed as Shane fired the .50 cal at the few AQ. The two operators ran into the underground car park towards the entrance and the armored truck sped away towards the observatory.

"We got an idea on how to extract Sir?" Shane asked on the radio as they drove.

"I have some allies in the area that told me about a stranded helicopter on the helipad and they hid the fuel for it in the observatory. We grab the the fuel, fill the chopper and fly out of the AO. But it obviously isn't going to be simple since AQ has held the observatory since Shadow Company abandoned it almost a year ago. So be prepared, load your remaining magazines. Shane, we will park near the helicopter and you will guard it with the 50. Cal, I will move for the fuel and everyone else cover the surrounding area."

Bilak would turn the car towards the road next to the helicopter and park it. He would exit the vehicle and move for the area where the fuel was hidden and AQ was distracted by Shane and the rest of the squad in the meantime. The sound of AKs and the mounted machine gun firing echoed across the mountain side as Bilak found the fuel and moved back to the helicopter. After a few minutes of defending the helicopter and fueling the helicopter, it was ready to fly.

"I'm flying, Shane get the squad in while I start up the helicopter."
The squad would pile in and the helicopter would spark to life as Bilak was starting the helicopter. After a short amount of time, the helicopter would be in the air and quickly left Al Mazrah.

~What you are about to see takes place in between Chapter 13 and 14~

Unknown Classified Transmission received:
Time of arrival: 5:36 am August 17th 2023
Receiver: LT. Raven, Lead Intelligence Officer
Authorized user viewing file: General Bilak Yenrof, Nova Lead, Phoenix 0-1, Director of Operations for Phoenix Company

U:The time draws near. the plan is almost complete.
R: Understood, The preparations have been made. I'm under the impression that Task Force 141 and Shadow Company will be on site. Will they be of any support to the mission.
U:Coordinate your efforts with other operatives to see what lies ahead.
U:This goes beyond the mission. everyone will see.
~End Transmission~

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