Chapter 9 - Calm Before the Storm

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Bilak would be at his office handling current intel and instructing squads on their current missions that they need to take up. His second in command rushes to the room and walks in.

"General, we have received a very urgent priority one communication from Orion Squad leads and all reports lead to all being KIA with the exception of Orion Lead which has been captured by small contingents of militia." The second in command told him, making sure he didn't leave out anything he knew.

"And what are we doing at the moment to stop it?" Bilak asked with a stern voice knowing his manpower is stretched thin, but Shane was an extremely important asset that he couldn't afford to lose and was willing to redirect everything into recovering him if possible.

"We are sending Strike Force Omicron to handle the situation as we speak." He Responded in a tone much calmer than his boss.

"Have they left for the mission?" Bilak asked, eager to get Shane back.

"No sir, not at this time" His second in command would reply.

"Tell them to hold off on leaving, but don't stop with prepping. I'm going there myself."
Bilak thought to himself that it was time to go and show people why they don't mess with Phoenix Company.

After a short amount of time, Bilak walked to the AH-6J "Little Bird" helicopter that was going to be his and Team Dark's infil.

Bilak's kit consisted of a APC 556, P890 sidearm, 2 semtexes, 2 combat stims, and 2 flashbangs. His chest rig had 8 mags for his APC 556 loaded in 300. Blackout and he had the parts to change to 556 NATO. He had 4 mags for his P890 and his sidearm was in his holster.

He would get a specially handpicked squad consisting of the best he had. He had massive fire support and was ready to kick the front door.

He would walk into the hanger with his squad and get in the helicopter.

"Are we ready Dark?" Bilak asked the squad members of Team Dark as he loaded his rifle.

"We are always ready to recover one of our own, sir " Rogue, Team Dark's best infiltrator and hacker in the three person team and the only female of the team.

"Nova Lead, this is Tigress 2-1, we are part  of your air support along with Python 1-3, and Hornet 5-1 as the entirety of your air assets." His Apache gunship pilot radioed in to discuss with him the team setup.

"Nova Lead, this is Omicron Actual. We are sending you on your way to the site now. We have teams sabotaging their anti air capabilities. Expect extreme resistance on the ground. We will have air superiority once we are in the AO but do not underestimate their back up AA in the case they have them." The radio had blasted into his ear from the command channel.

"Understood Omicron Actual, ready to kick the door in. Out." Bilak was in the passenger seat as the helicopter lifted and left the area along with his air support to go fight a intense battle to recover a important asset.

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