Chapter 8 - Prison Infiltration

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It was mid day and Shane was sprinting across the stone bridge leading into the prison and bullets smacked the ground around him and grenades were being thrown at him. Small chunks of stone flying around him while he sprinted, his Scorpion Evo in hand. He would get across the bridge and got struck in the arm by a round. His mission was to rush the communications room inside the prison in between the entrance and the yard.

He checked his magazine inside his Scorpion and had 30 rounds left in his drum with one left in his pack. His pistol in his holster only had two magazines. As he used a tourniquet on his arm and grit his teeth as he pulled it tight and pulled out his pistol. His pistol was a personal piece he had chosen a few years ago. The pistol was the Walther P99, a small 9mm pistol the had been proven to be reliable for him for the entirety of his service in the Phoenix Company.

He would hold the pistol out and move inside the entrance of the prison and slowly move along the old stone wall behind him with his back pressed against it. As he slowly moved through the entrance he had a sight on two soldiers running for the entrance and shot one in the head and fired three times into the other twice in the chest and once in the head. He checked his magazine and had 12 rounds left. He sprinted through the walkway and reached the small entrance into the communications building.

He moved up the stairs and used his Scorpion to clear the hallway full of scavengers and militia. His weapon firing at 900 rounds a minute, the 9mm tore through the men in the hallway before they could even react. after his drum was empty, he pulled out his P99 and finished off the men that survived.

He would quickly move for the comms room and set a tripwire in the hallway before shooting out the lights. He would enter and throw a table down in front of the door before checking if the radio was functional. After a little wire work, the radio would spark to life and Shane would tune the radio to the emergency frequency of the Phoenix Company.

"This is Orion Lead to Phoenix Actual, do you copy? I'm talking in the blind here. I'm on my own with my squad gone and helicopter gone. My supplies are in a castle near the coast. I'm out numbered and outgunned. I'm low on ammo and I am doing my best to hold out until reinforcements arrive but I will not last long out here how copy?" He spoke into the radio and waited for a response. He could hear footsteps moving for the staircase.
After a small amount of time he would hear a response.

"Alpha Lead, we hear you loud and clear. We are going to send Strike Group Omicron to your position. We are going as fast as we can. Hold your position, we will arrive in 20 mikes I repeat 20 mikes. Phoenix Actual out."

The tripwire snapped and a loud explosion and yelling could be heard in the hallway as they kicked open doors one by one as they cleared the room. Shane would reload his pistol and load the last drum into his Scorpion and hit the bolt release, with the bolt chambering the next round with a metallic sound. He would crouch down against the wall and aim his Scorpion at the door. He would hear banging on the door trying to kick it open and then it was silent. After 15 seconds the door blew open and Shane would hold down the trigger as four men immediately went to storm the room and were killed instantly upon entering the room with them dropping the the floor fast.

He would pull the pin on a grenade from his chest rig and bounce it off the door into the hallway before blowing up. More would quickly push into the room and Shane would fire one more burst from his Scorpion before being out, before quickly switching to his pistol. He took out two more before getting into hand to hand combat with more of them and throw his knife into the head of one of the men. A flashbang flew into the room and went off and Shane would be captured after putting up a valiant fight.

(Sorry for the long wait for the next chapter. I hit a writers block with this chapter when I first wrote it and had a lot of personal problems going on in my life. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next chapter will be out faster than this one. See you next time.)

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