Chapter 38

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We entered the ice cream parlour which was surprisingly full. Not packed up full but the line was a tad bit longer then I'd assumed it would be "Fuck this shit" Elijah grumbled which caused Leo to gasp "bad word papa" he scolded "sorry champ" he ruffled Leo's hair who was standing in the middle of us holding onto our hands. After another five minutes we reached the front "Good evening, what can I get for You?" "Hi, we'll have one strawberry ice-cream, one cookies and cream and-" I looked to Elijah "chocolate fudge" "chocolate fudge please " "is that all?" "yes that's it"

Elijah paid for the ice cream with his card and we waited a few seconds while the guy who made the ice cream made ours. "There you go" he said and gave us our ice cream. "Thank you"  Elijah took his Chocolate fudge I gave Leo his strawberry and I started eating my cookies and cream. There was this cute bench across the road and we went over to sit on it. "Well this was the best date I've ever been on " I said and kissed my boys. "There will be plenty more and soon we'll have our little princess joining in   on it " said Elijah and I agreed. Leo touched my bump and laughed "baby " he said and we smiled "Yes champ your baby sisters is in there" said Elijah "we don't know for certian" I said with a smile "Nah, we know it's a girl, right champ. Is it a girl or a boy?" "GIRL" exclaimed Leo and I couldn't help but laugh at their antics. While we were laughing  an old lady walked  past "you have such a beautiful family. Protect it, your wife is the greatest gem out there and your husband is your greatest confidant. There's no bond like the bond between spouses. I was married for 45 years to my soulmate until he passed away 3 years ago from a heart attack" "Thank you, and I'm sorry to hear about your husband I'm sure he was a wonderful man " I said and she smiled  "He was, but I wouldn't trade anything even if I knew how it would end I'd do it all over again. A thousand times just to have those moments with him again" "that's beautiful. Any advice for us?" Asked Elijah and by his tone it was obvious that whatever this lady will tell us he will cherish it.

"Never go to bed angry at each other. No matter what, if you must argue until the sun come ups you do it but never sleep angry at each other. Always remember to think before you speak or do anything, think whether or not your partner would approve and if they won't best stay clear of it, and lastly, never argue or disrespect your partner in front of your children because that's how they will view it. If you disrespect each other best believe your children will follow swiftly and always have each others backs no matter what. " She ended off and smiled before she bid us a good night and left just as quickly as she appeared.

"That was something huh?" Elijah summed up and I agreed. "All done" said Leo and we looked down at him "ready to go home baby?" I asked and he nodded his head. We walked back to the car and got in,halfway home I fell asleep and I guess so did Leo because when we arrived home Elijah had to wake me up because he had to carry Leo.

~the next morning~

"Baby wake up" I kissed Elijah on his cheek trying to get him up but I didn't work so I kissed his forehead "Elijah wake up" I said a little louder but to no avail all he did was frown. I sighed and kissed his lips, once,twice and by the third time he had his arms wrapped around be and kissing me back "Well good morning love" he said after we pulled away. "Finallyyy" I said and he laughed.

"I am gonna take a shower." He said but I stopped him because we never discussed Leo's birthday party. "Not so fast mister. We still need to discuss our sons birthday party that's in a month."  "Okay ma'am." He said and I rolled my eyes "so I was thinking marvel theme and maybe a Thor cake." "That sounds great baby" "it should be epic though he turns one once in his life only"  "Yes I know and it will be you'll be planning it with Sav and Mia. " I nodded "Okay go and shower" I told him and he left.

I walked to Leo's room he was asleep "Leo baby. Wakey wakey" I whispered into his ear as I rubbed his head soothing "get up baby" I said and his eyes fluttered "Aunty Mia and Sav are coming to get us to go shopping" I told his as he woke up fully. "Okay mamma" he said and I got him ready for our day.  I chose to dress him in some jeans and a baby blue button down shirt and Nike sneakers. "So cute" I cooed and he smiled. "Lets go" 

After our trip to the mall we ended up buying Leo way to much toys, I bought some maternity wear and new casual clothes for Elijah and even got the cutest onesie for our baby. 

I put it into a gift bag for him. I decided that I was gonna give it to him tomorrow after our scan. Sav and Mia both loved it even Leo said it was pretty.

"Baby we're home" I yelled as we entered the house. Leo immediately ran to his toys in the living room. Elijah appeared at the top of the stair seconds later in a panty dropping suit and slicked back hair "where are you going Mr De Luca? I asked biting my lip, he chuckled "I had a meeting Mrs De Luca and I just got home five minutes ago  a minute later and I would've been in the shower" he said as he descended the stairs. "You look edible" he said and I blushed "save that for later" I said and pecked his lips before showing him everything I bought.

Dinner time came fast and we decided  to order pizza because we were both to tired to cook and Leo enjoyed it. "Pizza, cuddling on the couch with my favourite people and watching a movie sounds like just the thing I need after today" said Elijah as we got comfortable on the couch and watched Sing , Leo's choice not mine.

It was peaceful.



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Love: unicorn_butterfly

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