Chapter 36

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Elijah Pov

I knew something was off the minute I ended the call with Aria and stepped foot into my jet. I felt it in my gut but I  ignored it because the only thing on my mind was getting home to my family.  "Good day, Mr De Luca, take a seat and get comfortable we'll take off as soon as I get clearance" said the pilo. I just nodded my head distracted by my inner turmoil.  I sat down on the first chair I found and called the flight attendant.  "Yes Mr De Luca ?"  She said flirtatious and to be honest if this happened a a year ago I would've had her on her knees sucking my cock dry but it's not and her attempt at flirting irked me.

"Get me some whiskey" I spewed the words with venom. She nodded and left shortly thereafter she brought my whisky. "If you need anything, anything, at all I'm right through there" she directed to the back of the plane. I glared at her and she left me alone. "Bitch" I muttered under my breath. I just wanted to get home and hold my son and kiss my fiance and fuck her senseless.


As soon as I stepped out of my plane I had a small army waiting for me. All standing upright and tense.  I counted 15 men and 7 cars. A bit extreme I think but I could not take any risks. If the Russians wanted to mess with me I'd be ready. "Welcome back, sir" said David,one of my oldest men and definitely one of my most trusted. He'd lay his life down for me and my family. "Its good to be back David. How's Martha?" I asked, his wife worked for us for years but when she got diagnosed with Cancer a few years ago I made her quit. She didn't want to so I fired her, I still paid her for the first few months when she begged me to stop so I did the next best thing. I added it to David's salary. She no longer has cancer.

"She's doing well,sir, drives me crazy but I wouldn't trade it for a thing " he ended with a smile. I chuckled. "That sounds like Martha. Send her my love" "will do."  I walked to my car and we drove home. Arriving home I walked into the living room and saw Aria pacing around the couch facing away from me. "Where is he?" "I'm right here, tesoro" her head snapped in my direction and she immediately walked over to me. She hugged me and placed a kiss on my lips. "This is what I call a welcome" I teased causing a smile to form on her face. " You're here and safe," she spoke sounding relieved "but if you scare me like that again I'll chop your balls off and make you eat it, do I make myself  clear?"Crystal clear, baby, nothing can keep me away from my family " "Good" 

"Where's Leo?" I asked looking around not seeing him anywhere "he is upstairs with Maria. I was stressing way too much but I'll go fetch him now" she said and left me alone with my idiot best friend who immediately started laughing once Aria left the room "oh my God, you're so fucking whipped" I gave him a pointed  look "who are you to speak Mr 'if I go one more day without my girl I'm gonna kill someone' huh? " he rolled his eyes  but muttered "touche" and I smirked. "Well, I'll meet you in the study in a few, I wanna greet Leo " I said and we went our separate ways.

Upon entering Leo's room I looked at it completely stunned. Aria and Leo sat on the floor with paint covering the floor and tiny hand prints on the wall. "What happened here?" Both turned around and Leo smiled so bright my heart started beating faster "dadddaaa" he screeched as he got up and ran to me. Once he reached me he wrapped his tiny arms around my legs with caused me to chuckle. I bent down and scooped him into my arms placing kisses all over his face. His giggles and Aria's laugh was heard in the room. "Did you miss me?" I asked and he nodded his head Yes "I missed you so much more big guy. Did you behave for mamma?" I asked and he immediately nodded vigorously. Aria gasped "liar, you were so naughty. " she teased and he looked at me with his eyes wide. "Is not, no I bewaved" he told me "liar" he looked at Aria when he said the last thing which caused us to laugh "I'm kidding, he was very well behaved. " when Arai said this he smiled at me. "Me tired " he told us and I started rocking him to sleep. "Sleep now figlio, I've got you" I whispered  to him. Aria wrapped her arms my waist and kissed Leo's cheeks "sweet dreams, tubbynugget" 

"Date night?" I asked once I placed Leo into his bed. "Yes " she agreed. "Also, we need to deal with Leo's birthday planning soon. It's in a month" she told me and I agreed. "Will do, but for now I have a meeting with Enzo. It won't last long a hour Max. After that I want to see you naked, legs spread on our bed" I told her and saw her eyes darken "Yes daddy" she told me and I grabbed  her ass as I pulled her closer and kissed the fuck out of her. "See you in an hour , beautiful " I said and left her in the middle of the room still left in pure bliss.

Finally an update, I'm such a b word I know. But I will try to update once a week. I pinky promise this time. PINKY PROMISE

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Love: unicorn_butterfly

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