Prologue: Lossing you again

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"Hanguang Jun we're sorry for your lost. We did everything we can, but senior Wei's condition is really terminal" the doctor uttered

Wei Ying, my Wei Ying left me alone. This is not true, my Wei Ying will not leave me. My heart shattered knowing I lost Wei Ying, I lost my world again. This is the 3rd time I lost Wei Ying. First for 3 months, next for 13 years, and now that we loved happily and uncle had just accept him he left me again. 'Wei Ying, why oh Wei Ying, do you have to leave me again. Gods do you take pleasure on seeing me in pain in losing my love again and again?'

"Wangji..." Brother called out

"Xiongzhang* why did he have to leave me again and again? Why is faith so cruel for both of us? Why do they not allow to be happy with him?" I cried while saying those words to my brother.

Sizhui arrived with Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi. Seeing my situation Sizhui eyes turned red.

"Hanguang Jun..... Senior Wei?" He ask. I directly hug him and cried louder. Sizhui is our adopted son. He is the reason why I didn't die when Wei Ying killed himself at nevernight.

By the way I reacted to his question he knows that Wei Ying his Xian-gege, his mother figure is no more. I can feel his shoulders shakes and his heartbeat slowed down.

" No Xian-gege told me he won't leave. Hanguang Jun you're joking right? Tell me you're joking...Zewu Jun this is a prank right? He won't leave me right? He promise me that he would be present in the succession ceremony next year he won't leave me..." He said while crying. He then ran to Wei Body lying in the bed. " Senior Wei this is a joke right? If you won't wake up I will call you aniang. Senior Wei.... Xian-gege don't play a joke on us..." He said weeping in my beloved's body.

Jingyi also join Sizhui beside my loves body.

" Senior Wei wake up now. I promise to bring more emperor smile here in cloud reccesses, even if Zewu Jun will punish me. Senior wei just wake up. I will do anything that you wanted me to do, even if you ask me to follow rules. Even how hard I will follow, like if you ask me to be friends with Young Mistress Jin, I will follow. Please Senior wei, please wake up" he said crying.

Jin Ling just stand on the door he was obviously confused. He looked at Xiongzhang, then look at me, then looked at Xiongzhang again. He looked like he is asking a question about what is happening. Xiongzhang went to him, tap his shoulders and said " I'm sorry for your loss Sect leader Jin."

" No... That's not true Da-jiu* if you won't wake up I will help jiu-jiu* break you legs..."

He was already  joining the other junior while weeping for my beloved. Xiongzhang also went near to them while I was still facing my back to them while hearing their cry...

I know I couldn't take this anymore I cannot live a single day without him he is my everything. How can I the light bearer live without his light.

Wei Ying wait for me there I'm coming...

I unsheathed Bichen* and place the blade unto my neck

"Wei Ying I can't live without you" this is the final word I utter after I slide the blade cutting through my neck

"Wangji. No.!!" Was the last word I heard from my brother

After a couple of time I open my eyes hoping to see my love again. Unfortunately, he is not here. I don't know where I am. As I look around the place is just white, jade white to be exact. In front of me there were words written in the wall the characters were written in black ink which says:

Choose your faith

And below that written words that are in different slit placed beside each other that says:


"return and win him back"
Under the "return and win him back" there is a note that says "CHANGE THE PAST

I must choose between the two... Well if I can rally trust this maybe... Just maybe I can see Wei Ying again I can help him. I must make sure he didn't loose his golden core, that he won't become a demonic cultivator, I must make sure that he won't die and I will make sure to win him back. And so I press the button....


*Xiongzhang— most formal way to call your elder brother
*Da-jiu—means eldest/first uncle in the mother side.
*Jiu-jiu— uncle in the mother side
* BichenWangji's sword


Hello everyone this Is my first time writing a fanfic.
English is not my first language so bear with me.
Hope you like it.....

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