The Reason

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Chapter 12

" Nie Huaisang?!" I asked.

" What you miss your husband's best friend Hanguang Jun?.... Ouhh I remember he is your best friend now....

Hanguang Jun you are so selfish. You already have him as your husband you also took my title as his best friend." He whined.

"What are you doing here?!... In the past?!" I asked him.

He hid his face on his fan and answered, " Same reason why you are here, Hanguang Jun." He answered. " Why do you think you are here? Also, Hanguang Jun are you really comfortable talking about this while I am standing outside your quarters?" He continued. I let him enter and we sat by my study table.

" You are the one who brought me here? Why?" I asked. Logically speaking we are not friends. We just happen to talk about sect matters. Why in the world will he bring me back here.

" I have two reason Hanguang Jun, both reason are beneficial for me, but one is of your benefits. I want you to come back here because I can't accomplish what I plan without you. See I'm not doing something as of the moment but you almost accomplish half of my plan. I only did one thing and that is to make sure that faggot wouldn't enter my sect and later on kill my dage.

As you know for certain I love my dage so much. But I also love Wei-xiong." By that sentence I raise my brows and look at him with scorn.

" Don't get me wrong Hanguang Jun... I love Wei-xiong as a friend. He is the only one who understood me, accept me for who I am. Like you I bore a hatred to my brother and to Jiang-xiong because they have a hand with Wei-xiong's death.

Also, why would you think I will let Wei-xiong soul enter Xuanyu when we decided to offer his body to a villainous ghoul. Though Wei-xiong is not a villainous ghoul he deserve to live.

Like you I valued Wei-xiong. After my brother, he is the only one who treat me as a brother. I'm also guilty about his death if I am not so weak, I don't need to be shield by Wei-xiong and I can also save him.

Lan Wangji remember only my brain works properly, so I need you to save both my brother and Wei-xiong. I know we can do it." He explained everything. It made me feel bothered.

Even before I always get jealous of him even before sunshot campain, he is always with Wei Ying. They are very close. I even thought the 3 of them, with Jiang Wanyin will be sworn brothers.

I always envy him for having Wei Ying by his side. Now he is asking my help to save my love and Sect Leader Nie? Why and how did he manage to transport both of us here.( Wangji you underestimated Nie Huaisang he is capable of everything if you just know)

" How did you manage to bring both of us here." I asked.

"Here is the full narrative Hanguang Jun...."


Nie Huaisang POV

I failed Wei-xiong again now he is bed ridden. Wait I remember my experiment. The one I made to save dage. My time travelling serum. The one I made 2 years ago.

This serum once it is drop in a person's mind it will make you choose to live and go back to the past or die immidiatelly. I added to many ingredients to this just to make it effective. I made it for almost 4 years now it is already finish. I must convince Hanguang Jun to help me I know he loves Wei-xiong so much it is not difficult to convince. I will go to cloud Reccesses tomorrow.

•When tomorrow comes•

" Prepare all the things I needed I will be going to Cloud Reccesses today to visit my best friend." I said to my head disciple.

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