Wedding Night

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Chapter 27

*Wei Wu Xian's POV*

They led me to Jingshi as per tradition.

Jingshi was decorated red, perfect for newly wed couples.

I'm very happy and excited today. At last I don't have to be insecure on my feelings for my bestfriend turned husband, because now, he's finally, legally, and wholeheartedly mine.

I don't know how long I have to wait for him.

Our wedding is the grandest wedding that happened in the whole cultivation world.

Different cultivators from minor and major sect came. They are willing to see whom the second jade marry.

Well I'm really lucky to have Lan Zhan all for myself. Different ladies, even princesses would throw themselves at his feet. So sad, Lan Zhan is gay for me. Hahahaha...

Well maybe I should sleep first while waiting for him.

After I don't know how long I sleep I heard a knocking at my door.

Lan Zhan must be here already.

I quickly arrange myself and sit back on my bed preparing for Lan Zhan to come.

* Lan Wangji's POV*

" I thought you are in a hurry? Why are you not going now?" My father said to me.

Yes, Wei Ying is still waiting for me inside Jingshi.

I quickly change my direction and head towards Jingshi. To where my love waits.

I'm too lucky to Win Him Again.

I promise to find him in all lifetimes. May it be now, next Century, next mellenium, and maybe next Eons.

I would stay with Wei Ying forever.

Boys and girls want to win his heart. I'm too glad that even his status now is changed. Even if he did not suffer like before, I still proved my love for him.

I am now standing in front of Jingshi.

It's too quiet.

Maybe he had fallen asleep I knocked at the door to signal that I am here.

Wei Ying is still Wei Ying. Can easily be bored.

I did not hear he did not told me to come in nor I have heard his voice. I assume he is preparing himself to be devoured.

I won't stop myself now. I suffered nine years for waiting him. Now he's finally mine. I would bring him to cloud nine.

I gently open the door and looked around.

To my horror, Wei Ying is.....

Is not here????!!!

I found a letter in my study table.

I did not read it first.

I send signal to my family and in laws.

*3rd person POV*

" Mom isn't that the signal you gave to Lan Wangji in case there is a problem?" Jiang Wanyin told his mother.

" What happened?" Qingheng Jun asked.

" Tell everyone no one is allowed to go out. No one must leave Cloud Reccesses. Something must happened to my A-Xian." Yu Ziyuan said and directly ran to Jingshi.

The Jiang and Lan main families, except Qingheng Jun who is giving orders, followed the tensed Madam Yu.

When the party arrived in Jingshi, they were met by the brokenly crying, Lan Wangji.

He is sitting in the floor, hugging Suibian and there is a letter in his hand.

" Wangji what happened?" Lan Xichen asked his messily sobbing brother.

" Xiongzhang,*sob* I *sob* failed*sob* him... I was*sob* late in coming * sob* they *sob* took * sob* him..." Lan Xichen hugged his miserable brother.

" What?! Lan Wangji, where is my son?" Yu Ziyuan said and Zidian starts cracking.

Lan Wangji just continue to sob and gave Yu Ziyuan the letter that was left by the abductor.

Yu Ziyuan opened the letter and read it.

After reading the letter, she lost her balance.

" My son.." she sobs together her son in law.

She went to Lan Wangji and hug him.

" Shhh... It's not your fault. We will find my son. Stop crying how can we trust you to find my son when you kept crying there." Yu Ziyuan said to comfort her son in law.

She knows how much pain Lan Wangji carries now. She knows how much this man Loved his son. Since what happened, happens already, they don't have choice but to remain strong and find their loved one.

" My lady what is in the letter?" Jiang Fengmian asked.

Yu Ziyuan handed the letter to her husband without breaking her hug towards her son in law.

" Dad/Uncle let us read too." The kids chirped out.

Jiang Fengmian read the letter out loud.

The letter:

Hello to all,

I wish I could see your face tonight.

Lan Wangji, do you love my wedding gift to you.

You dare trick me with this mysterious wedding of yours. Well thank goodness you invited me.

I still greet you a while ago right?

I know you haven't noticed me.

Well now, since your show is over, I would already take what is mine.

Well, Lan Wangji congrats on your wedding. I hope you like my wedding gift.


" Who's LFZ?" Lan Xichen asked.


Smile 😁😁😁

See you this Saturday 💖💖💖💖

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