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Chapter 21


" Xichen-ge my parents are there too?" I asked curiously.

" They just sent a letter to Jiang Wanyin to tell you that they have something important to tell you. I heard it's about an arrange marriage."



*Wei Wu Xian's POV *

I will be married?...

To whom?..

Do I know my bride?...

My world seems to collapse.

Lan Zhan just return my feelings. I just newly confess and here it is now, after my first kiss has been taken, I will be married to someone I don't know.

Lan Zhan held my hand and looked at me like he is saying everything will be fine.


" Wei Ying, we need to go back now." Lan Zhan said softly.

" A-Xian I also don't know who your bride will be...but maybe Madam Yu and Sect Leader Jiang decision regarding your marriage will be change once they know you both love each other." Xichen-ge said to console both of us.

" Well A-Xian we must get going now before someone shout of breaking your legs because you kept him waiting."

We went down and there we saw Nie-xiong and Jiang Cheng waiting for us.

Jiang Cheng looked sad as if he knows what I felt now.

" A-Xian I know it's hard. Let's convince mother and father to break the engagement. I know you like someone else." My brother comforted.

I smiled at him and Lan Zhan hold my hand Infront of them.

" Ohh... You already confess. Good to know. Now we have more reason to break the engagement." My brother said.

" Lan Wangji don't be so confident there. Even if I say that I will help A-Xian break the engagement it will be for his sake. I don't want my brother to have a loveless marriage. I will still be observing you Second Young Master Lan. One tears of my brother, I will break the 206 bones of your body." He warned.

" I will even kill myself if Wei Ying suffer because of me." Lan Zhan whispered which ofcourse did not unnoticed by me.

" Enough bickering... Wei-xiong I didn't know that you were able to tame the cold Jade. You were like ice and fire Infront of others." Nie-xiong teases.

" Well fire can melt the ice." I said playfully.

" Let's go now." Xichen-ge said and we went out of the inn and rode our swords towards Cloud Reccesses.

When we arrived there, we were met by mother and father who is waiting near the gates of Cloud Reccesses. Mother immediately hugged me when I went down from my swords while father patted my back, then hugged my brother.

" Oh! I'm so glad your safe. Did anything happen there? Have you encounter mysterious people who were lurking around A-Xian? Did you sense someone who wanted to harm you? A-cheng?" Mom asked worriedly.

" There was no one mom. Me and Lan Zhan just go with a little bit of drama and fighting but we're good now." I responded.

" Thank goodness." My mother sigh in relief.

" Let's continue talking inside. This matter is rather private. Let's proceed to Hanshi." Uncle Lan said.

We went directly to uncle Lan's quarter. Mom neither leave my side nor let go of my hand. I can obviously sense she is shaking. She is very nervous. But why? What is bothering my Mother and Father? They really looked tense. I thought we will be talking about my marriage. Why they are tense?.

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