" It was Lan Zhan?"

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Chapter 14

After Wei Ying left me in the roof, I went to Hanshi. This time hanshi is still my father's quarters, as he is still the sect leader. Brothers room is now built near hanshi and it doesn't have a name yet as father advice him because it will not be his permanent quarters because sooner or later he would be moving to hanshi, because he would be a sect Leader someday.

When I reach Hanshi, I was met by my father, who is already waiting for me. He is standing outside his room and signaled me to enter as he enter his room and sat by the table.

" How was your night guard Wangji? Did you ENJOY?" Father said with a mysterious smile.

" Wei Ying did and said as before, added with some new words." I said.

" Tell me what happened."

I immediately tell father all that happened in the roof. He was laughing so hard knowing that Wei Ying don't know it was me.

" So now, about his punishment?" Father asked me still laughing

" Father must decide he is the sect leader." I said with my normal tone.

" What sect leader? If I am not mistaken punishment must be given by the Head of discipline." He said. " Or you want to give him another punishment...." Father said with a smirk. " Well if the Head of discipline is having dirty thoughts, I must be the one to give punishment to protect my son-in-law's purity." Father continued while laughing.

" Father!!!" I said with a knitted brows.

" Okay I won't tease. For the punishment I will go with the copying of rules 100 times with you guarding him. Don't do anything against the rules Wangji... But before the punishment I already have a thought on how to let my son meet my son-in-law." Father said.

" How?" I asked. I was also curious on how father would like us meet also exited on my Wei Ying's expression when he will know that he is talking about me with me.

" Well the most awaited clash of the lotus and the jade." Father said with a smirk. I know what he means.

After our discussion, I went to my quarters and prepare for the night and sleep.

I woke up at usual time and did my morning duties. Just as I finished preparing myself for today's ceremony, I heard a knocked from my door. It called my name. I recognize father's voice and let him enter.

" Why did father visit in the early morning?" I asked.

" Can I not visit my son anymore?" Father pouted. I rolled my eyes in response.

" Well I'm just here to inform my son that he won't be in the greeting ceremony today since you are not needed there. You will only appear in the battle to make sure YOUR Wei Ying will be surprise to meet you." Father said with a smirk when imphazising the word YOUR.

I was somewhat sad I cannot see Wei Ying yet but also exited for my grand entrance to his life. I am really right, yesterday would be unforgettable for him.

I responded to my father's order with an 'Mn'. He left me and I went to the library pavilion to read books.

As I was going to the library, I heard a familiar voice saying, "Cloud Reccesses isn't bad if you know how to make thing joyful." The familiar voices with the hint of mischievousness in his tone.

That mischievous voice made me smile internally. It is the voice I would never forget. The voice of my Wei Ying.

" Wei Wu Xian don't think of making trouble." A harsh toned voice said. Unmistakably it is Jiang Wanyin.

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