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Chapter 22


*Wei Wu Xian's POV*

Before I could even rejoice fully, someone knocked at the door of the Hanshi. Uncle Lan went and open the door and we peeked. There was no one outside...but there is a letter and a note that says:

To be opened by the two sect leader inside this room.

Uncle Lan and my adoptive father was quite shock.

How did they know that there is 2 Sect Leaders here. Fortunately, we placed a silencing talisman so they could hear us.

Dad and Sect leader Lan opened and read the letter and both of them paled because of the content of the letter.


*3rd person POV*

" Dad, Uncle, what is written in the letter?" Jiang Wanyin asked.

"" Jiang Fengmian shuttered as he said.

Fear was creeping in the faces of those who heard the Jiang Sect Leader said.

" Father what does it says?" Lan Xichen inquired with a very disturbed face that you can't see often in a Lan.

" It says: Don't rejoice fully. I will take what is rightfully mine and kill anyone who is running against me.

We must add more security for A-Xian. Wangji make sure that you won't leave his side and from now on he will stay with you in Jingshi, if you don't mind." The Lan Sect Leader read and instructed his son.

" Jingshi is also Wei Ying's home, ofcourse I wouldn't mind. Wangji also promise to protect Wei Ying till end of my life." Lan Wangji straight forwardly answered.

" Good to know that we chose the right person for our son. Make sure to never fail us Wangji or you will taste the wrath of the Violet Spider and all the Lotuses of Yunmeng." Yu Ziyuan threatened.

" Lan Wangji of Gusu, vow to protect Wei Wu Xian of Yunmeng. Even if Wangji's death would be the prize for WuXian's safety, I would gladly pay." Lan Wangji vowed Infront of his in laws and family.

" Lan Wangji don't make such foolish promise and don't you dare die for me." Wei Wu Xian scolded his betrothed one.

" If it's for you, I'll die with no regrets." Lan Wangji stated.

" I did not know my brother would be too cheesy. A-Xian, what did you do to this walking iceberg of Gusu. How did you do it A-Xian? What is your secret?" Lan Xichen teases to lighten the mood.

" Xichen-ge, maybe I'm too hot that I was able to melt the iceberg?" Wei Wu Xian playfully responded.

Lan Wangji's ears turned bright red while listening to his brother and beloved talking.

" Xichen, A-Xian, stop teasing Wangji already or he will turn a puddle of water in anytime now if you won't stop." Qingheng Jun also teases his son.

" Ayysht... Let's go to the serious topic now. I will instruct Zuliu as well not to leave his master. Whoever went near my son with ill intention, Zuliu must crush their core without second thoughts. This is to make my son safe. Also a-cheng can we borrow Xing(Xue) Yang and let him guard your elder sister. Since maybe they will attack her because she is close to A-Xian. As for you a-cheng, I believe you are strong enough to guard yourself." Yu Ziyuan said.

" Mom it's okay. I'm sure I can manage of my own. We must protect our family. But I wonder, is my brother really that gorgeous for that person that he/she would kill anyone for him?" Jiang Wanyin asked.

" Well a-cheng I'm really more handsome than you...but I also don't know why that person is obsess. Apart for my drop dead gorgeousness, there is nothing special about me." Wei Wu Xian stated which made his brother roll his eyes in the first statement but agree in the second statement.

" Wei Ying is special in his own way. He just can't see it only others can." Lan Wangji said in response to his love.

" Lan Zhan can you warn me before saying that or else I would die before our marriage day." Wei Wu Xian said dramatically touching his chest near his heart.

" Wei Ying is strong, he will not die by mere words." Lan Wangji stated.

" Okay stop feeding us dog food and also, there are too many ants in the area already due to your too much sweetness.

Before we could continue may we ask what sect is that coming from? To threaten a war, that sect must be from the major clan right?" Jiang Wanyin said.

" Probably, actually a-cheng we don't know. But for sure this sect has many connection to deal with this. If it is also from the major sect, who could it be?

I'm sure Gusu is not that one also, it's obviously not Yunmeng. Nie clan has no son or daughter only a brother and a sect leader so it's not Nie. Jin only has one son and that is A-li's fiance Jin Zixuan so it's also not them. The last one that is left is the Wen.

However, Wens are very cunning they always do things for their benefits. If they are really the one, what is the gain of marrying A-Xian.

Not that A-Xian is useless, but I'm just curious what is in A-Xian that they want to get. Aside from his beauty, we have his skills which is useless if evil force him to work for them. I know my son that has a strong regards for justice. He always use his skills for the betterment of of the cultivation world and the whole humanity.

I'm sure my son will prefer to die than to do bad things." Yu Ziyuan said proudly.

" Well I couldn't agree more. May it be the Wens or not, we must have a closer watch on A-Xian. His safety, as our family must be insured." Lan Xichen stated.

" Now kids you may go back to your quarters to rest. Wangji, please help A-Xian transfer his things from the guest chamber to your personal quarters. He will be staying there from now on. Understood?" Qingheng Jun ordered.

" Yes Father/Uncle Lan." The five of them answered together.


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