The Truth.

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Chapter 29


" Hanguang Jun, to make them believe let's perform a mass Empathy." Nie Huaisang said and I agreed.

It's time for them to know the truth.


*Lan Wangji's POV*

" Isn't it dangerous?" Jiang Cheng asked.

" We are many doing the Empathy it would probably be safe." Nie Huaisang explained.

" If you want to know the truth, it's the best way and no need more explanation." I said with no emotion.

" Also, if we would just tell you, maybe you wouldn't believe. Just like now when I told you Wei-xiong is the Yiling Laozu, you did not believe us. In Empathy, you can see it clearer and you could also understand it better." Huaisang explained.

" Okay let's start." I said.

" Hanguang Jun, it's better if your memory is to be displayed than mine. You have more time together than us." Huaisang said and I nod.

Soon we sat in the Jingshi in circles. We also closed the door and put a silencing charm so that the people outside wouldn't know what we are doing.

We started viewing from the day I met Wei Ying in the gates of Cloud Reccesses, our meeting in the rooftop. His theory about resentment, his punishment in the library pavilion his pranks.

" That sounds something my son would do. He is really playful." Jiang Fengmian said while slightly laughing.

" Well Wei-xiong did worst than that. You'll see later." Nie Huaisang said with a little smirk.

We continue to view silently but with a little bit of talking or explaining what happened. We watch the time he fall in the water Abyss and the time he made me drunk.

While watching it now it made my ears red and when I said I don't have a mother, my father's face changed, from a happy face to a sad one.

We continued viewing to the time we got punished together.

" How dare Qiren punish my son with disciplinary ruler. I never even dare hurt him nor let others touch a single hair of him." Yu Ziyuan angrily said.

" Well not in those times." Nie Huaisang said with an eye roll.

We continued till we reach the hidden cave of Gusu where we met Lan Yi. They saw how I wrap my forehead ribbon to our hands.

" Engaged?" My brother asked playfully.

" More than that. Count how many time they bowed with connecting hands." My father teases and my ears turned red.

My brother, father, in laws and Huaisang counted how many times we bowed down not even listening to our conversation with Lan Yi. When we went Outside and bowed again to say sorry and then I took of the forehead ribbon and tied it back in my head, my brother clap his hands in delight.

" I thought I married my brother of at such and early age, but even before you married just days before your formal marriage now." He teases.

My ears turned red and now I want to dig a hole and hide myself.

"The question is does my brother know?" Jiang Yanli join the teasing.

My ears became more red and I did not anymore look at them because of shame.

" Let's continue now." Huaisang suggested which the others gladly comply.

We then went to the fight of Wei Ying and Jin Zixuan, the time when Wei Ying was sent home and my longing for him. The events pass and we watch how cloud reccesses was attacked and my father's critical condition. And the Wen indoctrination.

We also watched the Xuanwu cave incident until the fall of the Jiang Sect. Not forgetting how Madam Yu whipped Wei Ying with Zidian and how she blamed Wei Ying for the misfortune that happened.

" I whipped him? And blamed him? What is my past self thinking? Can't she understand that my A-xian just did that because he protected the others?" She said angrily.

" Jealousy. The answer is Jealousy. You would have did the same if you still hold on to your Jealousy to his dead mother." I said monotonously.

She cried but we still continue watching our past life.

We reach the time that Jiang Wanyin went to Cloud Reccesses looking for Wei Ying and the time Wei Ying returned after 3 months as the Yiling Laozu.

We continued until we finish sunshot campaign with the help of Wei Ying.

We then proceed to the phoenix mountain hunt. But before we went to the... You know, I immediately cut it.

" Why did you stop Hanguang Jun? I thought there is nothing special there?" Huaisang asked.

" Nothing special, let's proceed to Koi tower." I said to avoid my crime.

" But my dear son why are you avoiding there. Are you afraid something will be seen?" My father teasingly asked.

" Yeah the way you cut off give us suspicion. What are you hiding Lan Wangji?" Madam Yu asked curiously.

" Wangji just show it." My father said.

Now I have no choice but to let them see my crime.

And so they watched it.

" Whoa! Too bold Hanguang Jun. Why haven't Wei-xiong told me about this?" Nie Huaisang said.

" And my poor brother who didn't know who stole his first kiss." Jiang Yanli said with a soft giggle.

So we continued every details without stopping until the seige in the Nightless City, where Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli died on the same day.

" I'm alone? Mother, father, Jie, and WuXian left me?" Jiang Wanyin said sadly.

" Well you are not the only alone in that life Jiang-xiong." Huaisang said with a hint of sadness.

They saw how I was beaten 300 times with the disciplinary whip and my 3 years of seclusion. My adoption and taking care of Sizhui, my Wei Ying's A-yuan. And my 16 years of mourning for my beloved.

Our re-meeting in Dafan mountain and our road to proving his innocence.

They also watched the day we eloped and the time we come back to Cloud Reccesses our sacrifices until we were allowed to be wedded. His acceptance to our sect and his death, my death and the time we traveled here my plans including Zhao Zuliu and Xue Yang's identity.

" So you send those two to take care of my sons and so that A-cheng's golden core wouldn't be melted and no one would loose his golden core?" I nod in agreement to what Jiang Fengmian said.

" So you think that illegitimate child of Jin Guangshan captured my son?" Madam Yu said.

" We are not sure but based on the initials it says LFZ it's LianFeng Zun, his title." Huaisang explained.

"Let's just discuss this tomorrow. We owe the guest some explanations." And so they went outside and told the people that the bride was ubducted.


It's been a week since Wei Ying was abducted. We tried our best to locate him but we really couldn't.

I am now in the library pavilion hoping I could find something to find my Wei Ying.

" Second Young Master Lan!" The Lan disciple said in between pant.

" Sorry for breaking the rules but Second Young Madam Lan is now in the gates of Cloud Reccesses, unconscious." He said, and without second thoughts, I dash out of the library pavilion and ran to the gates.


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