City of Lotus: Your Home.

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Chapter 6

I woke up at five usual.

But this day is special.

In this timeline, it's my first day sleeping with my soulmate, my Airen.

Today, I didn't get up directly. I stayed at bed starring at the beautiful creature sleeping in my arms. Even he is still a kid, his features are still outstanding. Silky hair, perfectly curved, cherry colored lips, perfectly pointed nose Rosy cheeks. Everything in him is perfect. I really fell in love with him to much, still heads over heels for him. I touch his hair to make him more relax. 'Too beautiful' I said in my mind with a smile.

I kept starring at him not knowing there are still 2 people starring at the two of us. Since I am facing my back to them and I stop caressing his hair I appeared to be sleeping for them.

" Father they are so cute together. They will really be a good friend someday." My brother whispered which didn't escape my ear.

"Maybe more than friends. See they are still young but they looked perfect for each other. I wouldn't mind if Wangji will turn out to be a cutsleeve as long as a-Ying will be his partner. Father said. ' he will really be my fated one' I said in my mind and smile.

" True... I also wouldn't mind father. Having a brother in law like A-Xian isn't bad. It's even wonderful." Brother supported. ' I know you will like him Xiongzhang. You do like him' I responded in my mind.

Wei Ying stirred in his sleep. My father and brother went back to their bed before Wei Ying opened his eyes.

"Good morning Lan Zhan." He said as he smiled at me.

" Good Morning Wei Ying. How was your sleep?" I asked.

" Good. It's very comfortable sleeping beside you. I don't know why but I feel safe with you Lan Zhan." He said. Wei Ying you must be careful and don't say that in front of me I might kidnap you now. We would elope early if you keep saying that. Wei Ying your feeling is called ' I found-my-soulmate' feeling.

" I hope I can wake up like this everyday." He said. Oh... My heart is about to collapse.

"Soon... Wait for me." I responded monotonously so as to cover my beating heart and my happiness. He wants to wake up in my arms. He smiled at me.

"Mn... I will wait for you Lan Zhan." He smiled. I hugged him tightly.

"Ahrrgmmm..." We heard from my rear.

" Hi uncle. Hi Xichen-gege." Wei Ying said and smile at them.

" It's seems like the kids are having their moments." Xiongzhang teased with moving brows.

" It's seems like I need to cut of a nice moment." Father supported.

" Eavesdropping is forbidden." I stated.

" Ohh... I'm sorry... It seems like this sect leader needs to be punish... Excuse me but what do you deem is the best punishment for me..." Father teased again. I glared at him.

" Aww... The prince is angry at me again. Sorry your highness." Father teased again with a bow.

" Father!" I said forcibly.

" Okay okay I will stop now... Okay the two of must get up and prepare now where going to Lotus Pier today." Father reminded.

" What is Lotus Pier?" Wei Ying asked.

" It's a place full of lotus. It is your father's home and will be your home if they accept you." Father explained.

" A City of Lotus... To be my home... It sounds nice...but will Lan Zhan be there?" He inquired.

" Wei Ying I will visit but cannot stay. If you live in the city full of lotus. My home is called cloud recesses. You can join lecture there if your old enough." I answered. 

" Okay... Promise you'll visit me. You're my best friend after all." He said with A very big smile. I nodded as I can't make any word come out of my mouth without shuttering.

" Aish... Continue your ' best friend' moment later." Father uttered while putting more stress on the word best friend. I don't know how many times I have glared at father.

" You two, take a bath now we will wait downstairs for breakfast once the two of you are done." Father said and I just nodded. Wait first we are taking a bath together?... I ..... ' Wangji stop your perverted thoughts' I said to my self.

' Wangji you could let him take a bath first and after you take a bath. Don't think other things right now you are still sex... No six years old.... Oh gosh what's happening to me...' I said to the chaotic brain of mine. I really cannot think straight when Wei Ying is around. Even if he don't know everything he does seduce me. Oh Wei Ying if you just know I can pin you now at the wall or be together in the bathtub and.... ' stop it brain.'

" Lan Zhan are you fine? Your ears are turning red. What happened? Do you want me to call Uncle Lan?" Wei Ying asked with a concern tone.

' Wei Ying if you just know what you're doing to me you wouldn't asked that question. What's wrong? My thoughts. I want to pin you down the bed like what I always do during our everyday is everyday activity... Wei Ying you're making me crazy'

" Nothing is wrong. Take a bath first Wei Ying. I will take a bath after you." I said monotonously to cover my very fast beating heart.

" Okay, I'll be fast." He responded.

After he took a bath I then took a bath and after dried my hair. He was waiting until I finish and we both went down together. We ate our breakfast not so peacefully since Xiongzhang and Father teamed up and made the teasing group which never stop until we rode a boat to the Lotus Pier.

" Wow... What is this it's nice..." Wei Ying said picking a lotus flower.

" It's called Lotus Flower a-Ying. This means we are near the Lotus Pier already." Father answered.

" It's so nice." He said still mesmerized by the view. Lotus Pier is really beautiful. As beautiful as my Wei Ying.

" We're here." Father said as we reach the dock.

Lotus Pier is really a busy city. Many people running and selling. It is even more lively than Caiyi town.

We went directly to the Jiang residence.

" State your business." Said a Jiang disciple without looking at us.

" We want to see sect leader Jiang." Father said.

" Who's the person seeking the sect leader." He said still not looking at us.

" Sect leader Lan, Qingheng Jun." Father said with a smile. Finally the disciple look up and saw one middle aged man and 3 children 2 wearing GusuLan robes while the other one is wearing a commoner black and brown garment.

" Sorry sect leader Lan, I didn't know you will be coming." Said the disciple and he directly ran to the main hall while another female servant went to us and lead us to the waiting hall.

" a-Ying do you like it here?" Father asked.

" Yes... Very ... It is a very nice place. a-Ying can play around and also swim around. I can also be like a-die." Wei Ying said with a big smile.

At least you are already back in lotus pier back to your family. Here in the City of Lotus. The place you called home.

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