Cold War and.....

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Chapter 19

*Wei Wu Xian's POV*

When I woke up I notice that Lan Zhan is not anymore here. Fortunately, he already prepared my bath and my meal.

I went down after finishing my morning routine.

When I went down, I notice that Xichen-ge and Lan Zhan are not anymore there.

" A-Xian come and eat now." Jiang Cheng called.

" A-cheng where is Xichen-ge and Lan Zhan?" I asked.

" Wei-xiong you are in the same room with Second Young Master Lan right? How come you didn't know. We even thought you went with them." Nie Huaisang replied while hiding his face behind his fan.

" Well when I woke up Lan Zhan is not anymore there but the tub is already filled and by the way I'm done eating. He already left breakfast for me."

" Where could they be?" Jiang Cheng more likely said than inquired.

After a few minutes of waiting Lan Zhan and Xichen-ge arrived.

" Xichen-ge, Lan Zhan where did you go?" I asked.

I notice that Lan Zhan is not looking at me.

" A-Xian we went and checked the Biling Lake. As Wangji suspected it is a Water Bourne Abyss so it's better if we will not check on our own. This will be too dangerous. Luckily Wangji was able to seal it so it won't bother as of now." Xichen-ge explained.

" So Er-ge, I chose well by asking you to leave me here, or else, if I went there with you, maybe I will be their breakfast." Nie Huaisang said worriedly.

" Yes Huaisang. Now let's prepare to go back to Cloud Reccesses. Uncle will return tomorrow. We must prepare for the class." Xichen-ge said with a smile.

" Yes Xichen-ge/Er-ge." We responded.

" Let's go Lan Zhan." I said while pulling him.

As I notice he is neither talking to me nor looking at me. His eyes always wonder or stay at the floor.

" Lan Zhan is anything wrong?" I asked while stoping my tracks and looking at him.

He still didn't talk with me and just continue walking to our room.

What did I do?

Why is he not talking with me?

Did he read the letter?

Did he know I love him that is why he is not talking with me?

Did he not love me back?

Did I finally destroy our friendship by writing that stupid letter?

If that I am totally doomed...

"Lan Zhan~." I whined.

" Why are you ignoring me?~" I continued.

He stop his tracks and said coldly,
" Think of it by yourself."

" Lan Zhan just tell me... I don't know why your angry ~" I now cried.

" How are you certain that I am mad at you?" He asked still with an unfamiliar coldness.

" Because never in my life you treated me like this. You never treat me coldly or ignore you. Even if others tell me that you are a walking iceberg I still didn't believe them because I know you are not like that."

" So now do you believe them?" Still coldly.

" No cause I know it's my fault but I don't know where did I go wrong. Lan Zhan please talked with me." I pleaded.

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