Chapter 7: Be Yourself or Be Megatron

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"What do you think I should say?" Knockout worried, biting his digits. "I'm a medic, I know about humans, I... I'm gorgeous, clearly... Oh! And loyalty, yes. That's kind of importanr, right?"

Breakdown shrugged. "I'm pretty sure Megatron would take you in regardless of rank. He's not entirely fond of the vehicons."

"He'll probably like you as long as you want to kill Autobots," Lila huffed before taking another bite of her sandwich.

Knockout frowned. "I don't like being in the field. Everyone is always trying to kill me and scratch my paint."

"So scratch theirs first," Breakdown suggested.

Knockout rolled his optics. "I'm not sure that's how it works."

"Nah, that's pretty much it," Lila agreed.

"What would a human know about battle?" Knockout scoffed.

Lila crossed her arms. "I was raised for battle, thank you very much."

"Raised for battle," Knockout blew a raspberry. "Right. You really proved yourself earlier when you were running from that Chihuahua in the-"

The door to the bridge was thrown open and Megatron stormed inside. His optics flickered over the strange threesome before landing on Knockout.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

Knockout scrambled to his pedes. "I'm Knockout. I'm a medical and human expert. I've been stranded on Earth forever and-"

"Good. Breakdown, show him the way to the med bay."

Megatron plucked Lila off of the warrior's shoulder, almost making her drop her sandwich in surprise. He left the room without another word, leaving behind a confused blue mech and a disappointed medic.

"Training begins now."

"Can I finish my sandwich?"

Megatron ignored her and made his way to his berthroom. Lila shrugged and continued eating; by the time they got there, she was done. The warlord set her on the bed and looked at her expectantly.


"So something."

"Do what?"


Lila rolled her eyes, "I thought we already established that I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid, you're a coward," Megatron corrected. "I'm sure you can figure out how to do something with that staff."

She swung it around and pointed it at him, "Maybe I can blast a hole in your metal face and escape."

Megatron glowered, his optics piercing her with unadulterated irritation. Lila smiled nervously and lowered the weapon on mass destruction.

"Or not."

A plume of hot air erupted from Megatron's nose and he raised his servo. "I'll just smack you."

"Wha-" Lila squeaked and lunged to the side as Megatron attempted to smack her out of existence. She landed on the berth roughly and her head snapped sideways to look at him.

The warlord raised his servo again and tried to squish her. Lila scrambled back, leaving the staff behind as she crawled for her life.

Megatron growled. "If you lose the staff, it cannot help you when your life is in peril. Get it."

"Well stop trying to kill me!" Lila barked. "Why don't you just tell me how to work it, O'wise one?!"

"Why do you think I would know how to operate a mystical weapon designed for Primus?" Megatron sneered.

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