Chapter 9: Things Can't Get Any Worse

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Chase watched Skye,as She laid,On the Ground,Unconscious.

"Help,Someone,We're in Here,We need Help" Chase shouted Out,Throughout the Cave,Hoping For Someone to hear Him.

As He was being Dragged Away,From his Girl.

Chase took Out his Claws.

And,Dug Them into the Dirt.

Trying to Hold On,As Much as He Could.

Or,At Least,Trying to Slow The Spiders Down.

To Buy Zuma,Rocky,And,Liam,Time.

But,Even That wasn't Working.

The Spiders were Strong.

And,They were Fast.

One of the Spiders jumped,Out of the Shadows.

Onto Chase.

Chase Screamed as It landed On his Back.

It lifted It's Leg to Stab Chase.

So,He would let go of the Sand.

Chase moved Out of the Way,Of the Leg.

Avoiding the Stab.

It Shrieked,In Anger.

It lifted Another One of It's Legs,Towards Chase.

Chase gasped as It came,Towards Him.

The Spider,That,Was Pulling Him.

Took It's Chance.

To Drag Him Off.

It Shot a Web at Chase.

As It wrapped around,Chase's Paw,The Spider started to pull Him Away.

Chase felt as It started to drag Him Away.

Now,He knew.

He was Doomed.

He couldn't be Saved.

But,At Least Skye could.

And,That was What Mattered.

Maybe,If He stopped Fighting,They wouldn't take Skye.

So,Chase stopped Fighting,The Spiders.

And,Allowed Himself to be Taken,To Protect the Girl,He liked.

The Spiders Shrieked as They dragged Chase Off,Into the Shadows.

Back to Liam,Rocky,And Zuma.

The Duo had,Just Arrived at the Cave.

Rocky and Liam had,Just,Walked Out of the Forest.

To See,Zuma,There,Waiting On Them.

"There You are,Dudes,What took You?" Zuma asked as He sat,On the Ground,Waiting for Them.

"Sorry,Z,We,Just Had to Catch Up,That's All," Liam apologized,Softly.

"It was My Fault,I Stayed Too Far Behind," Rocky blurted Out,Admitting the Truth.

Zuma sighed,In Irritation.

Were These Two for Real?

His Skye was,In Danger.

And,They were Loli-Gagging.

"You Two do Know,That,Skye needs Us,Right?" Zuma reminded,Firmly.

"Um,Chase is,In Trouble,Too," Liam informed as He lifted an Eyebrow.

"Oh,Right,Him,Yeah,He needs Help,Too," Zuma rephrased,Nervously.

Quite Embarrassed,That,Liam had Noticed,His Little Slip Up.

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