Chapter 15: Searching for the Map

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Back at the Lookout.

Down in the Basement.

The Four of Them had split Up,Across the Basement,To look for the Map,That had All the Secret Passageways,Marshall and Tracker going One Way,And,Rex and Everest going the Other.

Marshall and Tracker were,Looking on the East Side of the Basement,While,Everest and Rex were,Looking on the West Side.

Marshall led his and Tracker's Team,Taking the Lead,With his Super Sniffer,Hoping to find It,Before,Tracker did.

Marshall Sniffed and Sniffed,For the Map of the Lookout,But,He,Currently,Wasn't finding It.

Tracker,Just let Him lead the Way,Considering,How Angry Marshall seemed to Look,To Him.

"So,Um,Marshall,I've got a Question for You," Tracker brought Up as He followed Marshall,Who was,Still Sniffing the Ground,For the Map.

"Is This Important for This Exact Moment?" Marshall questioned,Firmly,as He continued to Sniff,Around for It.

"Uh,I think So,Marshall," Tracker voiced,In a Calm Tone,Trying to stay the Calm One of the Situation.

"Yeah,Well,I think,We disagree,On That One," Marshall admitted,Angrily.

"Why do You hate Me So Much,Amigo?" Tracker mentioned.

"I'm not your Amigo,Tracker," Marshall shot Back,Furiously,Getting Angrier and Angrier,The More,That,Tracker Talked.

"What the Heck did I do to You? What did Everest do to You? Why do You get So Mad at Me,When I hang Around,Or,Remotely Interact with Her?" Tracker interrogated,Really wanting to get to the Bottom of,What had been going On,With Him,Lately.

"Pfft,You act the Same Way,Don't Act like You're All Innocent," Marshall pointed Out as He commanded Him,To Stop acting like He was being the Innocent One.

"Cause,I like Everest,I do,I've had Feelings for Her,Ever Since,I first met Her,Kind Of,Like,Love at First Sight,Except,It was,Just a Crush,Then,But,They've continued to develop to Something More,The More,That,I have gotten to know Her,They,Especially,Came to develop the Most,When I had left Back to the Jungle,I Guess,It is True,What They say,About Absence making the Heart grow Fonder," Tracker explained as He stopped,Following Marshall,To confess to Him,About his Feelings for Everest,Before,Explaining to Him,How It Started,And,How It developed to the Feelings,That,He had Today.

"Yeah,Well,You're not the Only One," Marshall whispered to Himself,as He,Just continued to Sniff the Ground,For the Map,Keeping his Mind focused on Task.

"Wait,You like Her,Too?" Tracker wondered,Hearing,What Marshall had Whispered,as He asked Him,Just to make Sure,That,He wasn't Assuming Anything.

"You weren't supposed to hear That," Marshall said.

"Yeah,I bet,I wasn't,But,I heard It,Anyway,Considering,I am Dog,Just like You,So,I can hear,Just as Well as You," Tracker informed.

"Okay,Fine,Yes,I like Her,Too,I've had feelings for Her,For a Long Time,As Well,However, To be Honest,I saw Her First,And,Started liking Her First,So,It,Kind of gives Me First Dibs," Marshall confessed as He,Then,Started to Explain to Tracker,How She was His Girl,And,Not Tracker's,Before,Going Back to Looking.

"So,What are We gonna do about It? We both love Her," Tracker asked,Wanting to Know,What was going to Happen Next,With Everest.

"Well,I can tell You,What You are gonna do,You're gonna Back Off,And,Let Me have the Girl,That,I love," Marshall warned,as He turned Around,To Face Tracker,And,Began to back Him Up,Into a Corner,While,Telling Him,What He was going to have Tracker do.

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