Chapter 10: Finding Chase

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Skye laid on the Ground,Against the Wall of the Cave,Still Unconscious.

"Skye," Rocky called.

"Skye,Can You hear Us?" Zuma called Out,Trying to get Her to wake Up,as He nudged Her Shoulder.

Skye woke Up to the Sound of Zuma's Voice,Hearing All his Calls,as She woke Up,Waking to See,Zuma's Face,Right in Front of Hers.

Skye Groaned as She tried to get to Her Paws.

"Ah,What Happened?" Skye murmured as She stood Up,Slowly.

"Skye,You're Okay," Zuma cheered,Cheering to the Rooftops,That,She was Okay.

"It's Good to See You,Alive and Well,Skye," Rocky stated as He looked at Her,With a Slight Smile.

Skye Smiled Back at Him and Zuma,Pretty Glad to see Herself,Surrounded by her Friends,At the Moment.

While,The Three of Them were Talking,Liam stood Away,From the Other Three,Looking into the Darkness of the Cave.

He was thinking about Chase,Wondering if He was Okay.

He was,Still,Nowhere to be Found

"Oh,Chase,I Hope,You're Safe" Liam whispered to Himself,as He looked,Into the Shadows of the Cave.

"So,Skye,What Happened Here?" Rocky mentioned,In Curiosity,Asking What had Happened,While,They were Away.

"Spiders,Giant Spiders,They attacked Us,We could,Barely,Hold Them Off," Skye explained,Now,Fully Standing.

"Giant Spiders,Cool," Rocky commented,Happily,A Little Too Happy,That,Giant Spiders existed.

Zuma and Skye glared at Rocky,Harshly.

Rocky lowered his Ears as He saw Them glaring at Him.

Rocky chuckled,Sheepishly,as He realized his Mistake.

"I Mean,Cool,That,They exist,But,Not Cool,That,They were,Trying to kill You Guys," Rocky rephrased.

"Wait,But,Didn't Chase tell You This?" Skye asked,In Confusion,Wondering Why Chase didn't tell Them,What had Happened.

Zuma and Rocky put on a Look of Sadness,When They heard,What Skye,Just Said.

"What,Why are You looking at Me,Like That?" Skye questioned,With Worry in her Voice.

"Skye,I Know,This is Hard,To Say,But," Zuma tried to Say,Trying to put It as Soft as Possible.

While Zuma was Explaining,Rocky turned Away,From Skye and Zuma,To look at Liam.

But,When He looked at his Side,He saw,That,He wasn't There.

"Liam," Rocky called Out,as He looked Around for Him.

"I'm Over Here,Rocky," Liam informed,Softly,as He stood,Still,Looking at the Shadows of the Cave.

Rocky walked Away,From the Other Two,Over to Liam.

"What are You thinking About?" Rocky wondered,In Curiosity,as He sat,By Liam's Side.

"I'm thinking about Chase,He's,In There,All Alone,With a Bunch of Giant Spiders,And,It's,All My Fault," Liam explained,Angrily,Realizing,That,He was to Blame,For This Mess.

And,All Because,He wanted to help Chase,Win the Girl.

"Liam,You couldn't have predicted This,It could've Happened to Anyone," Rocky reassured.

"But,It didn't,It Happened to Him,To Him,I should have known Better,I Messed Up," Liam eludicated,Just getting More and More Upset,The More,He Explained.

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