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𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢 - 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢 - 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭˚˚˚˚˚

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eyes wide.

your hand sliding down your neck.

the air felt like it was crushing your throat and you tried to grasp at something inexistent to breath again.

your nightmare was still flashing in your mind, the fight between the 'ghosts', the screams of the innocents, your tears, tails' tears.

you almost called his name, forgetting about where you were, with who you where.

you set up, the bad smell finally reaching your nose and making you gag a little, had you been really that tired the other night? you asked to yourself as you recalled the events of the night before.

you moved an hand to your head, closing your eyes for a second before catching a big breath.

you looked around you noticing the stained wood and the broken items, you got up wanting nothing more than to forget the images in your mind.

you stopped on your tracks as pain started to spread on your whole body, you crouched down holding yourself, taking deep breaths.

when you felt like you could move you looked down at your own self, cuts and livid everywhere on your body.

the bandage on your forearm and stomach had took a yellowish color and your fur was stained in red.

without your little friend taking care of you you would've had to do it yourself.

but did you remember how it was done?


you had decided to do an hipotetical tour of the city during the night, using the shadows to hide yourself.

but when you had realised that you were probably on the blink of getting one or more infections wile your stomach was begging you for food you had to make a decision.

you had hid your face with the hood of your sweater, you had took your bag and you had walked towards the city.

it was small, indeed.

or at least from what you knew about the earth and it's people.

but it looked really gorgeous, the sun shone and the people looked quite happy.

you hid behind everything you could, trying to not being noticed.

you walked in front of a small shop you took a cap and a pair of sunglasses, you smiled to yourself as you put them on.

you were about to walk into the road before you stopped realising that it was a risk too big, you looked around you spotting a man with a brown uniform.

he was eating donuts as he waited for some ducks to cross the street, you let out a small chuckle at the comfort coming from this city.

suddenly your senses rosed up, you felt like someone was watching you and you slowly turned around trying to not look even more suspicious.

you moved your eyes and you could've swore that you had seen a blue blur sitting near the 'green hill' sign.

you shook your head, it was not the time for distraction, you speeded a little looking around for any small markets down the street and you took as many things as you could trying to not get caught.

when you finally finished your little mission you speed walked away, wanting to arrive at the tree house as fast as you could.

you arrived at the woods, you looked around you, suddenly feeling watched again, but before you knew it you run against something.


you looked up touching your face as you realised your glasses weren't hiding yourself anymore.

you took them from the ground as you looked in the eyes of an old man.

he looked amazed, or maybe it was fear.

"what, never seen a mobian before?" you asked him.

he screamed and you took the opportunity to throw a rock to his head, effectively putting him down.

"sorry" you told the unconscious body as you slowly walked away, feeling more relaxed.

"well not really" you added as you turned around, looking ahead.


you groaned as pain spread down your arm, one end of the bandage in your mouth as you rolled it around your wrist with your other hand.

you successfully closed it around your injury, the one on your shoulder (wich was the most deep) was already cleaned and secured and the only thing left was the cut on your stomach.

you growled as you took a shirt, ripping it to create a towel, you started to clean the cuts, hissing at the air.

you took the other side of the ripped shirt, rolling it around your torso before closing it with a knot right over the injury.

you let your arms fall at your side as you rolled your head behind, heavily brething.

"god damn it" you murmured to yourself "i should've took some painkillers"

suddenly you heard a sound, your ears perked up as you felt something ring.

you looked around the little room before you understood the sound was coming from the yellow object on your right, the tracker.

you took it into your hands, suddenly a blue light appeared and it scanned your face.

"hi [name]!" you gasped as tails voice came out from the little box "if my calculations are correct, and they always are, it's been three weeks since our last encounter."

"oh kid" your eyes started to water, you had realised it was a registration but being able to hear his voice again felt like a miracle.

"i know you like to do things alone, but i also know that you can't take care of yourself" you chuckled at his statement, as tears started to form at the corners of your eyes "i think that twenty one days are enough for being all alone, so here i am!"

the box-like tracker opened on the side and you found some pills, you took one into your hand observing it with cautions.

"painkillers!" he sing songed, you smiled as you threw the pills into your mouth hoping to feel better as soon as you could.

"now i'll probably leave some voice records here so you can hear it if and when you feel alone" silence filled the room for some seconds before you heard his breath, a sign he was still recording.

"i already miss you" he murmured as you broke down, the tears that had just rolled down were followed by others and you hugged the little box, squeezing it against your chest.

"i miss you too tee" you cried out "so,so, much"


1078 words
don't know if i should
do longer chapter.
i wanted to take a look at the reader's
life 'in the wild' before
letting you meet your fav hedgehog.
hope you liked it :)
thanks for your time <33

- sa

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