please read

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sa speaks!!!

i wanted to clarify some things before we dive back in with the second movie, part ONE needs to be read, the others aren't important:

— ONE. apparently i'm a z00phil3? i've been accused of zoophilia, something that disgust me deeply and that i hope nobody really thinks of me.

obviously i'm not, when i wrote this "x reader" i never once imagined me with the main character nor anyone else.

this book is purely for entertainment purposes and it was written by me just because i wanted to, no other reasons.

i absolutely hate to be associated with the term zoophilia, i have two cats and i do horse riding, animals bring me comfort and i would never even think about doing something so hateful to them.

remember that a story is not reality, and most of all remember that words have meaning and weight.

i don't care about those insults but i felt the need to specify and defend myself from such comments about my persona.

you don't even know me, i love you all a lot but we don't know each others, such assumptions shouldn't be made just because of things you see online.

this book started off more as a joke than anything else but i quickly grew to love this story, that's why i keep writing it.

and i felt the need to write a love story in it, to make it interesting, but every sweet or lovely comments with anything non-human is purely because it's a fan fiction.

and remember that the characters are teenager so i based their talking style on how i think people that age speaks!!

and, always because they are teenagers, nothing sexual is going to happen; if and when any comment with a double meaning is made is purely because i found it funny, but that doesn't imply anything between the characters.

— TWO. my writing choices! the reader can be anything you want, it can be an oc, it can be a self insert, i don't care.

i write because i found it fun but it's not my problem what you imagine about my stories; you can be whatever you want, it's fictional, remember?

but, i need some things to write a coherent plot.

some aspects of the reader's personality for example can't be changed because she has to be like that.

the fact that i refer to her as a female is purely because i can't write everting in 'they/them' as it's confusing for me to write and to read.

i'm a raging bisexual, part of the lgbt+ community, i support everything and everyone and i always use the right pronouns.

the problem here is that it gets confusing over time, i know that not anyone refer to themselves as a female but i prefer to write this way.

also, i'm sorry to see that you would never answer like that but it's actually not my problem (jk guys, or maybe not 🤭)

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