✵ ☞︎︎︎ 𝚇. 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚙𝚎, 𝙰. 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚞𝚜 - 𝙱𝚎𝚝

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⍟𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡, 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒, 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
Requested by nast0lgia

It was late at night, and most, if not all, the boys at Nevermore were in Xavier and Ajax's room. It was a yearly tradition to meet up at one of the dorms and have a good luck party before the 'Poe Cup'. Beers were handed out, and there were chips, burritos, cake, you name it. It was the perfect boy's night, and best thing yet is Principal Weems has yet to bust us.
"Alright, it's time to settle bets on winners for the Poe Cup boys." Ajax announced as he put his beer down.
"I think the Gold Bugs will win. I mean, for the past two years, no other boat has gotten across and back without sinking." Kent brags. He's planning on making big money tonight, knowing about the scheme Bianca is making him play into the day of the Poe Cup.

"Noo, not again." Xavier sighs as he leans back on his dresser.
"C'mon, Thorpe. You're just in denial because your ex-girlfriend is on that team." Kent teases, referring to Bianca. All the boys laugh, except me. I mean, call me a jealous, desperate man, but if I had what he and Bianca had, I would be pleasing and obeying him on my knees till my last breath.

"Oh God, and here I thought we were over that."
He rubs his hands down his face in a groan.
"Yeah, don't mind them Xav, you're my boy now."
Ajax looks over to his boyfriend with a smirk.
The guys were about to go awwww in a high pitched girly voice like they did every time those two said fruity flirty things to each other when I suddenly interrupted
"I personally think the Amonti Llado will win."
Everyone looks at me, and Xavier looks surprised.
"You're betting on our team will win?"
"Woah, Kent, you guys have a backstabber." One of the boys whistles.
"Really Y/N? Tell me that was some really stupid, unfunny joke and you're not serious." Kent said in a degrading tone. I wasn't going to back down though. Just because I was siren doesn't mean I'll root for my cheating team. I still may be bias in my choice, since their captain is extraordinarily attractive *ahem, Xavier * and his boyfriend is too.

"Well yeah, I'm serious. I just have a feeling they'll win this year, so what?"
"A feeling? A feeling?! If you're intuition is sooo right, then... Then you'll kiss their captain if they win. If we win, you owe me 50 bucks." He offered, thinking I would back down because he thinks kissing boys is 'ew'.

That offer sounded so sweet, but I couldn't immediately agree or I'll look desperate.
"You know, last time I checked, their captain is taken."
Before Kent could reply, Ajax spoke up,
"I wouldn't mind if you kissed Xavier, just as long as I get a kiss too or it won't be fair." He says smiling while looking at me.
I almost feel like I'm going to faint, all eyes on me, including Xavier's and Ajax's, and I'm about to agree to a bet that will either cost me 50 dollars or the time of my life. But c'mon Y/N, you're not a pussy. It would be so sweet to yell "Told You!" In Kent's face.

It was finally the day of the Poe Cup, and Principal Weems was presenting the teams in her introduction through the mic. Everyone was crowded to see the game, and I could barely see Xavier and Ajax's boat. But soon someone in the crowd moved, I pushed past to see them. You saw Ajax tap Xavier's shoulder, then they both turned around to look at you. You were caught in a trance, then they suddenly smiled at you. You waved and smiled back at them, now promising no matter what, they will win. After they turned away, you ran through the crowd, and sprinted around the lake. You jumped over a few bushes and sticks, but finally you got to your destination. Here, Kent was meant to come, hide, and get into the water to destroy other's boats on Bianca's signal. You climbed one of the trees, and waited like a Tiger about to pounce at its prey.

You heard leaves crumble, and then Kent's figure finally came into veiw. Mid race when Bianca gave him the signal, he jumped into the water and you jumped from the tree into the water. You could feel yourself instantly shift, and you swam as fast as possible to catch up to him. He's not winning this bet. He's not going to even reach their boat, not today, not ever. You saw him in the murky waters, and he was speeding towards Xavier's team. You began swam with more determination, your stokes leaving a strong ripple in the water. Just as soon as Kent stopped and was about to swipe his hand on the bottom of their boat, you tackled him underwater and started swimming downwards, bringing him down with you. He gasped underwater, obviously startled. He tried to swipe at you and you easily dodged him. You then took out zip ties you had and quickly grabbed his wrists, then tied them together. He couldn't stroke anymore and flapped his tail like that would do anything.
"You're coming with me." You almost laughed at his helpless form. You swam back to the post at the docks and tied him to it.
"You traitor." He snarled at you.
"Bianca will punish you for that! You'll be crying for days for what you've done!"

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