Inlove #6

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Enid POV.

I was packing some stuff so me and wednesday can survive, "N-never knew y-you can use gun." She said. I nod and stood up, "let's get out fromthe back door." I told Wednesday and we both get out of the back door but suddenly the millitary broke in, we both run away as fast as we could, Wednesday running are so fast is like a zombie from a game.

We go to the town again and now is full of zombies,people are dying,house are boarded up. "Stay close to me, t-they can't hurt y-you." She warn. I get close to Wednesday and we both was walking slowly to go to a cafe, we found Eugene and Bianca hiding from them there, "ENID! LOOK OUT THERE'S A ZOMBIE!" Eugene yell, "wait! No- she's nice, plus she's my experiment." I explain. "How in the hell do zombie do that?" Bianca ask, i shrug .

A few hours hiding in the cafe, we found yoko there , "Yoko!" I yell. We both hug eachother , "Officer Yoko, whats happening right now?" Bianca asked. "zombie apocalypse." She said. "The millitary will be here any minutes,but Wednesday and Enid. You need to hide." Yoko explains, "why do they need to hide?" Eugene ask. "Officer Tyler been looking for them, he want to kill wednesday because she's pretty rare and he think is dangerous." She explain, "And Enid are helping her so he want to take away Enid too.". "We're going to help you , Enid!" Eugene said. "Well uh-i guess i'll help." Bianca said.

We all go out of the Cafe and we all got close to Wednesday because is not safe yet, We goes to Officer Yoko base, "since when you have a base?" I ask. "Since years ago." She answer. We all go in the base safely, I close the base door and lock it.

"wow! This is awesome." Eugene was amazed and look around the house with his bee, "glad there's a pool." Bianca said. "Ahaha! You guys got a room ,i set up for you all." She said happily. Me and Wednesday goes to our room and we both sit down on the bed.

"Wednesday-" i said. She look at me and got closer to me, "i know what you want enid. But i'm scared if i bite you and my breath smells." She explain. I nod, "i understand." I said. "can i experiment you a little?" I ask. She nod and stood up, "i love you,Wednesday." I said and stood up, "i love you too." She said it back, i start to grab my pack to experiment on her.

Yoko POV.

'glad their happy, I hope tyler don't know we are here.'. "Hey,Yoko. Is there a kitchen here?" Bianca ask. I nod, "yes there is, is right over there." I answer.  Bianca goes to the kitchen to grab some stuff, i goes to my room and open my closet, there's some picture there about the mysterious poison but i'm still don't know if it was Tyler.

"Then who?".

[ To Be Continue ]⌫

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