Ending This Nightmare#32

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Enid POV.

"what the hell are you thinking?!?" I yelled. "sorry. I was lost and found their base." he answered. I sighed and turn to the zombie. the zombie are throwing a rock at us and we had to dodge it. "STOP THIS LAUREL!" I shout. She was smiling and shaking her head slowly.

There was a firework in front of us and it was making the zombie get distracted. "let's go." I said and run away with him. Laurel turns to us, "HEY! GET THEM ALL!" She shouts. The military was chasing us. "we have to do something about this." I said. "well yea..but how?" he asked. "let's go back to the lab but we need to lose them." I said and turn to the alley with Tyler. We climb up to the roof and hide. "where's the lab building?" he asks. "Is not far from here.".

Wednesday POV.

"We have to do s-something!" I said. "well..there's nothing we can do, Laurel has a whole army." Xavier speaks. "yeah." Yoko said. "well..we h-have to try," I said.

We heard footsteps coming and we turn to look at the door. A girl smash the door to the wall and went in with a boy. The girl closes the door and locks it. The boy looks in fear. They walk closer to us, "Wednesday?!" the girl yelled. "Enid?" I speak her name. She run up to me a hug me tightly. "Enid..". "Wednesday! You're back!! I'm so worried," she shouts. "I am the one that is worried, Enid. You're a human," I speak. "that doesn't matter Willa!" she said.

"Since we are back together.." Divine said. "we are not together, Where are Kent and Ajax?" Yoko said. "sh!t right." Divina said. "Wait..who set up fireworks when we are in trouble?" enid said and turn to Tyler."they might be Kent and Ajax!" Tyler said. "Don't think about it, Enid," I said. "what about Ajax and Kent?!" . "hm..".

Ajax POV.

"they're safe." I said. "yeah! But we are not, we had to go." kent said and run off. I follow him. "where are we going now?!" I ask. "I don't know. We can find snacks from the store!" kent said.

"Let's end this, Laurel."

[To be continued]

[Sorry if it shorts!!]

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