War #33

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Enid POV.

"Wednesday please..this is for us," I beg. "E-Enid no.." she said and hold my hand. I know why she's not letting me go find them, she was so worried. She already went through a lot, she doesn't want to lose me. "I know Wednesday..you're worried about me, but please," I said. "E-Enid.I don't w-want to lose you," she explains. "I know Wednesday.". I sighed. "C-can I at least come with you?" she asks. "Wednesday..you know you are in danger," I said. "I know, and you are too." she said. "alright stop with this dramatic action, You both are coming and Yoko, Xavier is too" divine said. "hey-why am I coming." Yoko asks. "you're an officer and Xavier too, so you both might be very smart to do this kind of stuff." Divina explains. "wow okay.".

Four of us are walking to the courtyard again to find out if they are there. We arrived at the courtyard but there was no one there. "no one is here, we might go to the other places" Xavier said and go towards Enid. "they might be in the store, they would find a snack." Yoko said. "You're right.".

We go to every store there to find them all.

Ajax POV.

We are at the alley eating our snacks and there were many zombies nearby. "is this alley safe?" Kent asks. "definitely!" I answer. "I don't feel safe here, there are many zombies nearby," Kent said. "I know..but this is the only safe place we could find," I said. We heard some gunshots. "what was that.". "must be the military." I said.

We heard talking and it sounds familiar. "We only had one more store here.". "there were like many stores in this place.". We heard the familiar voice and get out of the alley.

Enid POV.

I was holding Wednesday tightly cause I don't want to lose her. "I-is alright, Enid," she said. "No Wednesday..". We heard some noise coming out from the alley. 2 boys were looking directly at us. "AJAX?" Xavier yelled. "Kent?" Yoko speaks. "omg guys!" kent said and hugged Xavier. "we both are trying to find you," ajax said. "we are too.".

Divina POV.

We were waiting at the lab building until we heard so many zombies and gunshots, we thought they be back but it was a war. A war between this country and the laurel military. "we need to call the other!" I said. Eugene hand out a phone and try to call Enid.

Enid pick up, "Hello?". "Enid! We have a huge problem!" Eugene said. "WHAT? WHAT IS IT?" She shouts in the call. I take the phone and explain what happened.

They are on the way to the building and I told the others to pack things. "we need to find a safe place!". "I'm going to take the cure." bianca said. I nod, "Alright let's go!" I said. "hey! I'm the one that is in charge here" Tyler complains. "since when?" bianca said.

[to be continue]

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