Found #8

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Enid POV.

I was lost, I was very hungry right now and when i was walking I found a old cabin, I decide to go in and it was quite but there's alot of food, I grab one and eat it , I heard some noise behind me and i look behind , there was a zombie, I grab my gun and shoot them but there was more, I run upstairs and hide behind the table, I reload my gun and look at the zombie coming after me, i shot it but there were so many zombie in the Cabin , i ran to a room and there was so much poison. I have an idea to make one so i can survive, i was making a poison fast so the zombie don't get in the room, i shake the poison and put it at the other bottle. "Boom. Done." I said. I kick down the door and jump off from the window, i broke my leg, "AH! Dang it!" I yell. I tried to run with my broken leg and the poison.

I was running from the cabin and found someone was shooting at me, it was the millitary. "HEY YOU!" They yell. I groan and run to the opposite way, the millitary are chasing me and shooting me, i got my hand and leg shooted.

lucky i got out from the woods with so much bleeding, i still can survive, you think scientist are weak?, i found Yoko and Wednesday are heading somewhere, "H-hey!" I yell at them but i was about to pass out. Wednesday notice me and ran towards me. "o-omg! A-are you okay?" She said. "since when do you care?" I said with annoyed tone. She carried me back to the base and make me sit down

i hand out the poison, "put it in my room,it is very important." I command Yoko. She nod and run to my room. Wednesday was healing me, "who d-did this?" She ask. I groan, "the millitary." I answer. "that bitch.".

Wednesday POV.

"Where were you? And how did you made the p-poison?" I ask. "I got in the woods just to find you and found a cabin and then i went into the cabin, i found snacks so i eat it because i'm hungry, the cabin was full of zombies i decide to go upstairs and go in a room , there was some poison stuff. I made one of those, i jump off from the window and broke my leg then run from the zombie and found the millitary" she explain. " still c-can survive?" I said. She nod.

When i was healing Enid , yoko burst in the room and ask, "Enid,have you seen Divina and Kent in the cabin?". "what? No?" She answer. "the cabin was from Divina!" She said. "She might be already out of there." She said. "p-probably." I said and look at yoko , her face was worried.

[To Be Continue]

you guys have any request?? Because i don't have any idea for the next chapter.

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now