The lab #10

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Enid POV.

I woke up and saw Wednesday was gone, then i go outside, i saw Yoko and Divina watching television together, "Is there anything about the news?" I ask. Yoko nods. "Yeah, They found a labs and let me guess, the Labs is from you?" She said. I look at the news and saw the labs, i was suprise and nod. "hm..." i was thinking of something, "Do not think about that,Enid." Yoko said and stare at me. "Stop exposing me..and yes i want to go there then search some stuff.." i explain. "More like making poison or do experiment." Yoko said. "your actually right! I can do that." I said run off to my room. "ENID WAIT-." Yoko yell. "I knew you regret saying that." Divina said and laugh.

I got my stuff and head to the exits, Wednesday block me even Eugene too. "Your not going anywhere,Enid." Eugene said. "wha-? I'm just going to find snacks." I tried to lie and yoko was staring at me, "do n-not l-lie to me , Enid." Wednesday said and death stare me. I sigh and went back to my room. I slam the door and sit down on my bed.

i was thinking how do i escape from here and go to the Exits. "No..that would fail.." i said and put my head on the pillow. Wednesday burst in the door and go towards me, "Uhm..? Wens are you okay?" I ask. "puppy, do n-not think of d-dangerous." She said. "but..wednesday..i need to go there and to do some important stuff!" I tried to explain so she could let me, "Important stuff like what?" She ask. "making poison for us." I said. "well actually t-that one l-look like for m-me." She said and stare at me. "Okay fine, Wens! I want to go there to do experiment and make so poison to cure this accident!" I yell while explaining. "poison to cure the accident?, Enid! Your not a professional Scientist." She stood up. "Just..let me give it a try..?" I said and beg. Wednesday was quite for a while and finally agree. "what? Really?!" I said and jump. "yes. But i-i'm c-coming." She said. "alright darling!". i said with happy tone.

We both got out of the room and saw our friends at the living room, "H-hey guys we a-are going o-out." She said and stare at them. "eh? Really? You both are going there??" Yoko said. "I'll come too please." Divina said and stood up. "Divina?..isn't that dangerous" eugene ask. "yeah it is dangerous." Xavier said and look at Divina. "I don't care, i will come ,no matter what." She said. "oh, alright." I said. We go outside of the base and walk. "hey divina, here's a gun." I said and throw the gun, she catch it and nod.

We were at the labs and it was a disaster, "this never been like this before." I said. Wednesday nods and already went inside, Divina follows us and don't want to get lost, "where's the experiment room?" Wednesday ask. "oh is right there." I said and go to the room, it was suddenly quite. We look around the roon to find some scientist stuff. But then someone go in the room and it made me and wednesday shock.

[To Be Continue]⌫

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