Saving the Girlfriends #17

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𝐘𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫.


Yoko POV.

me and wednesday following Tyler and he was going to the lab but it seem like Wednesday never been there before. Its not the lab we know.

i saw Wednesday already running towards the building so i follow her quickly. "Wednesday wait!" I shouts.

both of us already in the building and it seem like its new. We look around and look at some experiment from the creature and the zombie, we heard some scream so we follow the noise. We found out it was Enid and Divina. "to make them not recognize you two..i'm gonna change your name." Tyler said. Me and Wednesday look at eachother and listen to him. "Enid, your name is now Elijah." Tyler said and give the cards. Enid took the cards and nod. i can feel something is wrong, "seriously? A boy name?" Wednesday whisper, "he's bad making name." I said. "And you Divina, you are Vina." He said and drag her to a room. i was suprise and terrified. "is he..going to take an experiment to Divina?.." i said. Wednesday look at me and nod. "i think so..we have to be f-fast." She said and run to Enid way. I look at Divina that can't move but i had to safe Enid first. I follow Wednesday to Enid.

We found Enid making some stuff in a room we found that theres a collar on her neck, "i-it might be s-something d-dangerous." Wednesday said. Wednesday walk to enid and push her to make her fell. Wedneaday was ontop of Enid then tried to make the collar lose. "W-wednesday?!" She yell. i look around then close the room door so nobody can't hear us. Wednesday finally open the collar then throw it away. I step on it so it can be broke. Enid and Wednesday hug eachother but i go out to find Divina,Enid and wednesday followed me.

We found Divina crying inside then i knock on the glass. "Divina.." i speak.

Enid POV.

"I know how to open this." I said. "L-let me do it." Wednesday said then the door open by itself. "I forget you can do that." I said. Wednesday just nod and all of us went in the room, Yoko hug Divina and also carry her cause she was hurt. "did he start experiment on you??" I ask. "not yet.." divina said. We all get out of the labs then saw so many jets and tank ready to destroy the zombie, especially Wednesday.

we all go in the woods and found the cabin got burn but we didn't know where the other went..cause they have footprints on the ground. Yoko was carrying Divina that are in pain then me and wednesday holding hands, we are following the tracks and it leads to the Nevermore Academy where i suppose to be and where i found Wednesday beind a zombie.

[Could this be a happy ending or sad ending?, can they found the other group or nah??]

[To be Continue]

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now