Zombie Apocalypse#25

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Wednesday POV.

I goes downstairs and saw Divina watching the news, i go towards her and sit down beside her, "Wens..look." She said. I look at the TV and saw a zombie apocalypse started. "i didn't..do this.." i said. She stood up and stare at me. "i know, we need to warn the other ." She said. "A-alright." I said.

i'm still a zombie..but i think enid is finding cure for me , she won't tell me yet. I warn the other but we couldn't see Eugene or Enid, its like they are gone. "where's E-enid?!" I yell. "i think she go out with eugene." Xavier said. "sh!t we need to f-find them." I stutter, the virus inside me make me hard to talk. Atleast i'm the smart zombie here.

We get out of our house and there were many people running. We start running but tried to find Enid and Eugene, there were a millitary wanting us to get in a safe base. They didn't notice i'm a zombie too ,thats why i'm wearing a mask.

They want to check on us, they want me to open my mask, "ma'am can you open your mask?" They ask. i don't have a word then Yoko came, "sorry sir, she don't want to open her mask ,she is a bit uncomfortable." She said. The man believe her and let us go. "We need to find Enid and Eugene." Bianca said. "I k-know." I said. We want to get out to find our friends but the millitary didn't let us. "You can't get out ma'am, the millitary will find them." they said. I got so angry cause they way they talk.

Enid POV.

everyone was running but some of them run to the opposite way, i don't know which way to run but Eugene already run away, i follow him to be safe . "where are we suppose to go?!" I yell. "i don't know! I was running randomly!!" He yell. There was a left and a right. "Which way!" I yell. "uhm..uh..". we wer confuse then there was many people running in a building, we decide to go with them cause its more safer. "Over here! Its safe!" They yell. We both get in the building and we already saw some of the zombie, "zombie.." eugene speak.

It was suddenly quite, everyone was scared and some of them are fighting for foods. "Its not over yet..." i said. Eugene nod. "Why won't this zombie apocalypse be over already?..sh!t." He speak.

its been an hour, good thing nothing happen at all, suddenly some goes in with a bite on it hand. "HEY! GET THEM OUT ,THEY BEEN BITTEN" They yell. Everyone was cheering so they can get out. There was a stairs, me and eugene decide to go upstairs for safety. We found theres a light not far away from the building. It seems like a safe base for us, "should we go there?" I ask. "I don't know..its safer for us when we go there but..its not safe cause the zombie." He said. "Lets go try to go there." I said but suddenly i realize my phone are ringing. I pick it up. "hello?" I speak. "Enid! Where are you?!?" A familiar voice speak. "Uhm..i'm in a building with some other people." I answer. "What building?" They ask. "I don't know.." i said. "Sh!t. I will find you Enid. And is eugene with you?" They ask. "Yes ". "Alright i'm going.". "Yoko wait! Me and eugene decide to go to the safe base." I said. "How did you know we are at the safe base?" Yoko ask. "its obvious." I said and end the call  . "we are going." I speak. Eugene nod. We goes down and people are quite. We go to the door to get out but then some of them stop us, "hey! Stop, where are you going?" They ask. "Nowhere." I said and we get out immediatly.

we walk slowly so the zombie can't hear us, we are almost close to the safe base but suddenly there's a big creature running towards us, we don't know what is it and start running. I hold eugene hand. "EUGENE!" I yell. " i can't run fast!" He shouts. "The creature is getting faster and zombie are following us! We need to go faster." I said. "I'll try!" He said. We start running faster cause they are almost close to us. There were millitary shooting them and we got in the base. The creature are dead even the zombie. We both try to breath and i stare at him and hug him. "we made it." I said. "yeah.." he said.

[To be continue]

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