Missing Twins #9

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Yoko POV.

"they left the house?..are you sure?" I ask. Enid nods, "yeah i don't see anything in the cabin." She answer. I just nod and walk to my room.

Enid POV.

"Wednesday..." i said. "yes , Puppy?" She said. 'puppy?..' . "uhm..Can..i go look for Divina?.." i ask. Her eyes are wide and she look at me with a death stare, "Wednesday?-". "Fine, Puppy. But.. you'll go with me." She said. Me and Wednesday stood up and got out of the base. We both going to look for Divina or any other people. "why did you bring a gun?" Wednesday ask. "For safety Wens." I answer. "You already have me." She said and death stare me. "yeah..". we both go walk at the town to find her, "have you seen anything?" I ask. Wednesday shake her head, "no." . "Well we are currently far away from the town." I said. "Y-yeah i know." Wednesday said.

We both go in the woods and we hear some sounds. "D-did y-you heard that?" Wednesday ask. I nod. "yeah..let's go." I said and we both run to find the sound. We found there's girl hurt, "DIVINA?!" I yell and go help her. Wednesday go help to carry her back to the base. "where's Kent?" I ask. "I don't know..i told him to run away.." she said. "Let's j-just g-go to the b-base." Wednesday said in annoyed tone.

We all go to the base and saw Yoko running at the hallways then hug Divina, "Divina! Your okay." She said with happy tone. "Ah- yoko..i need to rest now." Divina said. Me and wednesday look at eachother and we both hug. "only for 1 minutes." She said. "aha! " i laugh.

"Wednesday- can i brush your teeth?" I ask. "no. I'm a zombie, Enid." She decline. "Please? Your a zombie that dont bite." I said. "really?" She said and death stare me but then got closer. "Okay! Okay! Sorry-" i apologies. "good girl." She said and cuddle with me. "you smell-" i said. "Zombie do." She said and poke me. We both fell asleep on the bed but i fell asleep first.

yoko burst in the room and gasp, "nevermind." She said and close the door.

[To be continue]

Can tyler find them? Or they will find Kent.?

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now