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Tyler POV.

"Where the hell is Bianca and Eugene?!" I shout. "We don't know. They just disappear." Yoko answered. "HOW DID THEY DISAPPEAR WHEN ALL OF US WERE HERE?" I yell. "Hey bro, don't yell so much, they are going to be okay.".

Divina POV.

Kent is trying to calm Tyler cause he is out of control right now. We can't find Bianca or Eugene anywhere. Could they follow Enid and Wednesday? They might.., I goes out of the plane and I was looking out the big window. Many places are on fire. I saw an explosion coming from somewhere. "Don't you dare follow that explosion, Div.". I recognize the voice and I turn around. "I should have run away so quickly before you got here." I smiled. "Yeah yeah, you would be dead by now." Yoko laughs.

I turn around to the window again and sigh.

Eugene POV.

I was trying to heal Enid from her pain but it would take a long time. I hear so many fighting outside the tent and it seems like a huge fight. "come on...Enid wake up!" I said. I open the tent and found Wednesday and Bianca in pain fighting a lot of zombies there but Laurel is just laughing and making a cure.

Enid suddenly sits up and she looks in shock. "Enid!" I said. "W-what?... Where's Wednesday?!" she shouts. "Shh-no lay down for a moment you are still hurt." I push her. "B-but..". "It's dangerous outside..they were fighting," I explain. "Fighting?!". "Yeah?". "God! I had to save them," she said and stand up. "WAIT-YOUR LEG" I shout. She fell and try to stand up. I help her get up and Wednesday suddenly got thrown in. "Willa!" she yelled. She helps Wednesday get up. "Enid..?". "Sh!t Willa! Your bleeding," she said. I took the cure that Enid has made. "Here." I hand it to Enid. "The cure..". I look on Wednesday. "What..?". "Are you ready?" she asks.

Enid POV.

Wednesday nods. "Yes.". "Alright.

No one's POV.

Bianca was still trying to fight the zombie and try to get to Laurel. "Give up already Siren," Laurel spoke. "Never will," Bianca answered. Enid get out of the tent and went to Bianca with a knife. "where's Wednesday?" Bianca asks. Enid took out her claw, "She is still in the tent. She wants me to waste the time." Enid explains. Bianca nods.

They are fighting some of the zombies to waste some time. In the tent, Wednesday is not feeling well and Eugene is with her. "Wednesday, hold it a bit okay?".  "I know, Eugene," she said.

"God dang it. Never knew Laurel can make the zombie pretty strong." Enid spoke. "I know right.." Bianca said. Enid grin. "Well this is fun!" she yelled. She let her claw out and scratch the zombie so Bianca can kill it easily. "Wow..never knew you two are strong." laurel smiled. "I know".

Enid POV.

' Wednesday going to be okay..', we heard the tent open up and it make all of us surprised. "wow..".

[To be continued]

Scientist And Zombie | Wenclair [ COMPLETED ] ꨄ︎Where stories live. Discover now