Wednesday. #29

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Enid POV.

'Sh!t don't tell me Wednesday got killed and Eugene got bitten!'. divina burst in and run to me , "Enid!" She yell my name. "Where's Wednesday and Eugene?!" I yell. she shrug, " I don't know.." she said.

"we have to find them! Where's the other?". "i got seperated from Yoko! I don't know where they are!!" Divina said. "sh!t..all of us are seperated.".

[There will be some group POV in this story, Divina and Enid, Wednesday and Eugene, Yoko and Bianca, Kent Ajax and Xavier.]

"What do we do now?." Divina asked. "We need to find them all..or we just try to find a way out..". "like..leaving them?". "if we can't find them..we don't have choice." I said. Divina face its full of crying and hugged me. "i'm sorry.". "I'm sorry Wednesday.".

Wednesday POV.

"Where are we going?!" Eugene said. We were running from the zombie, "I don't know..". We stopped a while and Eugene is tired, "Did..we lost them?.." He ask. I turn around, "Yeah..w-we did..". "Now what?" He ask. "we need to find the other before its to late." I speak. "Your not stuttering?". " S-sometimes i do.". I hold Eugene wrist and we walk together.

"I'm..scared." Eugene spoke. "Don't one will hurt y-you." I said. We were walking in the woods, finding a way out of this place. "Are we lost??". "I don't think so.." i said. We heard some noise around the woods and it make Eugene scared.

We found a way out and the city are destroyed , we found Laurel Millitary injecting the dead zombie, it turn them into a very big zombie and i think they follow commands from Laurel.. , "bitch." Eugene spoke. I look at Eugene, " i k-know.". We heard Laurel conversation with someone else unknown. They wanna to destroy this place and take over the world with zombie. they had a deal. "We need to find the other." We both spoke together and look at eachother.

Yoko POV.

I run up to bianca, panicking. "Bianca! I lost Divina!" I yell. "i lost the boys too." She said. "What are we gonna do?!?" I said. "Guess we have to look for them." Bianca said and turn around. "Alright..".

All of us got seperated in group but we hope we found them before something else happen. We arrived at a beach well of course it was quite and we don't see any sign of zombie. "are they even at the beach?" I ask. she shrug, "Probably.". We start looking for them at the beach then see a footprints from a far, we run to the footprints and it seem like a big one. "This is obviously not a human.." i spoke. "more like the zombie." Bianca said and touch the footprints. "ew why is there some green slime." She said and wash it away. "weird..most of the zombie don't have that green slime thing.." i said. We heard some big footsteps going to closer, "What was that?". I shrug.

we saw a big big zombie with green slime covered. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?" I shouts. We both run away from the beach but it seem like its chasing us.

Xavier POV.

"Where's Tyler?" I ask. "i don't know..and where is Bianca??" Ajax ask and got closer. "We lost her.." kent said. "EVEN YOU LOST TYLER?" Ajax yelled. "Yeah..sorry.". "We all are gonna die." Kent said. "nope, we are going to live." I said.

we were walking until we saw some zombie crouching, "hah! That zombie can't get us right?" Kent laugh. I shrug and flashlight it. The zombie suddenly get up and it eyes are glowing, the zombie run up to us very fast. We dodge it quickly and run away from it, "ARE WE SORT OF IN GAME RIGHT NOW??" Kent shouts. "I don't know! We need to lost it." i said. "please be focus we are getting chased by a fast zombie." Ajax said.

Tyler POV.

I was walking down an sewer with my flashlight cause i lost the other. I found a base full of millitary. It seem like the base its from Laurel. I heard someonr walking at the sewer heading to the base, i didn't know what to do and get in the base. I pretend like i'm one of them. Good thing they don't recognize me.

"Everyone please head to the courtyard" speaker turn on. 'Courtyard???'. All of them are getting out of the base and i follow them.

I goes to a courtyard with them and found out Laurel with a new zombie creation. It was big...strong..scary and creepy..

[To be Continue]

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