34- keep dreaming (season 3)

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{season 3}

summer. again.

"go, go, go, go!" lip yelled as him, ian and me ran out of the lakeside institution of technology. lip needed some robot thing for an upcoming contest. i was stupid enough to help them.

"when you said you had access to the building, i thought you meant through a door!" i snapped while we ran down the street.

"i may have fudged on that a bit."

"hey! stop!" a cop shouted, chasing us.

"come on!" ian yelled. we ran down some stairs, pushing people out of the way. the two cops were still behind us. we had to run as fast as we could.

"jesus, whatever happened to to the fat, donut- eating cops?" i asked while i jumped over a fence. "now they're all triathletes." ian was right behind me.

"catch!" lip threw the silver briefcase to ian and jumped over the fence as well.

"tall prick looks good for another ten miles." ian said as we started to run again. cops right behind us.

"ditch it out at the street, yeah?" lip said.

"wait, wait, wait, maybe they'll give up." ian answerd as he jumped on a blue pick-up to try to shimmy up a ladder.

"shit!" he snapped because it didn't work, so we ran into the building. the door that lead us out was on a roof. fuck. we ran up to the end of the roof. it led to another roof.

"whoa, whoa!" lip snapped.

"now way west point takes you with a felony conviction." i said and looked at ian. he understood what i meant and nodded.

"catch you guys at the courthouse later?" he asked before jumping onto the other roof. lip and i nodded simultaneously. ian landed pretty clean on the other side.

"call mandy, all right?" lip said before he threw the briefcase after ian. "milkoviches gotta have a good bail-bondsman."

ian nodded again and ran away. lip and i turned around to face the cops. we put up our hands with a smile on our faces. without saying it we both knew what we were about to do.
so before the cops could handcuff us, we tried to punch and knock them out. sadly, it didn't work.why the fuck were two old officers stronger than us?


lip and i walked down a hall at the courthouse, being followed by two policemen.

"bullshit, bullshit! it's fucking bullshit!" an angry man, also followed by two officers came out of a door. he totally freaked out and tried to escape but the cops were faster. jesus.

handcuffed, we entered the courtroom.

"phillip ronan gallagher. breaking and entering, grand theft, assaulting two law enforcement officers." the judge read out what we did wrong.

"campus security, your honor." lip butted in. "can a rent-a-cops really be counted as law enforcement officers?"

i smirked.

"it's been, what, a couple of moth?"

"uh, almost a year, your honor."

"turn a new leaf or just dumb luck?"

"walking the straight and narrow. thanks to the wise counsel and guidance previously provided by this court."

"are you mocking me, phillip?"

"no, your honor, absolutely not. you know, i've nothing but respect for this court and for the rule of law it represents. you know, the rights we derive from over 900 years of fealty to the magna carta, are the only thing standing between us and the anarchy of mob rule."

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now