44- gallagher slut

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i jumped up from the couch, collecting my clothes together. "fuck, shit, fuck!" i muttered. 

"dad, dad, hold on. hold on!" mickey started but terry walked over to me with a face full of anger, i can't even describe it. 

"you fucking gallagher slut!" he shouted as his fist punched me right across my face. i felt the pain going through my body. i fell back onto the couch and terry climed on top of me, starting to punch me again and again. 

i tried to kick him away but i was too weak. 

"you fucking piece of gallagher whore you fucking piece of shit!" he shouted while he kept punching me. 

"get the fuck off me!" i yelled but then i fell silent. the pain took my words out of my mouth. that was when mickey jumped on top of terry, trying to get him away from me. 

"get the fuck off of her!" he yelled trying to pull terry backwards. he did it and manged to get terry onto the other couch on top of mickey. i was very dizzled from the pain but i could see terry punching mickey. 

"no son of mine is going to be a goddamn gallagher-AIDS monkey!" terry yelled while micks blood started running out of his nose and his forehead. 

i started getting back to reality and stood up. but before i could run outside covered in blood and just in underwear, terry pointed a gun at me. 

"get your fucking ass down, gallagher whore." he demanded me and i slowly sat back down on the couch. then with another punch terry basically knocked mick out. he got up while still pointing that gun on me to make sure i wouldn't run. his finger at the trigger. terry took out his phone. "it's terry. send over the russian." 


i still sat on that couch, hugging my knees to my chest. blood kept running out of my nose when terry opened the door. 

a brown-haired girl walked in. she was older then me and wore a dark purple slutty dress. i stared at her and then i threw a quick look to mickey. i might be wrong but i saw him smiling. that felt like a stab into the stomach.

"that one." terry pointed at mickey and she walked over to him. "she's going to fuck the gallagher out of you, kid." he smiled. "ride him till he likes it, suka." 

the girl pulled her dress off before starting to take mickey's off as well. i felt a huge lump in my throat. 

"and you're goddamn gonna watch." terry snapped at me. 

i needed to fight back my tears as she climbed on to of mick, starting to fuck him. i watched the lady basically raping him. when i saw mickey looking into my eyes, i saw he had tears in his eyes too. 

when i thought it couldn't get any worse, mickey flipped her over starting to fuck her faster. 

that was when my heart burst in million pieces and i could not fight the tears back anymore. 


later i walked back to the group home, wiping my tears and blood off before i entered. i took a deep breath and walked into the dorm room to our beds. 

"jesus violet!" lip snapped as he saw me and my bruises. "what the hell happened?" 

"nothing." i croaked and took off my shoes. it was hard to fight back my tears cause i saw mickey fucking that russian whore all the time. 

"your face doesn't look like nothing." ian joined the conversation, looking at the blood and bruises. "was it mickey?!" 

"jesus no! just leave me fucking alone!" i snapped but then the tears started rolling. 

"it's okay. no matter what it is, it's going to be okay." lip pulled me into a hug and i cried into his chest. 

"no it's not." i whispered as ian joined the hug too. 

"we're here for you, vi." he said, making me smile a bit. i love my brothers more than anything. but i loved mickey too. thinking of mickey more tears came out my eyes. i let go of ian and lip.

"i'm just gonna go sleep." i sniffed, climbing on the top of the bunk bed. 

after i lay down, i started crying into my pillow. 

this was so fucked up. 


the next morning lip, ian and i went back to our house since we were allowed to go outside after breakfast till bed time, which was 8 pm. ridiculous. 

i sat at the bar, drinking a coffee with lip, when the front door opened. fiona and jimmy walked in. her face lit up when she saw me. "hey!" she exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. 

"hey, fi." i smiled. 

"they let you out of the group home?" she asked. 

"they cut us loose, dawn till dusk." lip said as he also hugged her. that was when ian also walked in. "yo, i found them." he said. "we are going to visit carl and liam." he sat down next to me. "he asked for M-80s, a nintendo DS and ninja throwing stars." he held up a blue little box with the stuff in it. i took a throwing star and put it into my pocket. 

"could use your help." fiona said looking down at her computer. 

"how?" i asked. 

"i'm getting custody." she said, taking a throwing star out of the wall, handing it to ian. 

lip, ian and i looked at each other. "of us?" i asked. 

"it's the only way to bring everyone home and keep it that way." 

violet gallagher // shamelessWhere stories live. Discover now