Chapter Thirteen: I do

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Chapter rated PG13.

     Now almost two years have gone by since Eddie's recuse. Life was going pretty well. She had just learned to drive and Jamie and her Mom had both gotten together to get her her dream car. Jamie and Eddie were getting married in less then a week. Eddie had gone dress shopping with her Mom and Erin. She was on about the sixth dress and this one she finally liked
"so what do you think?" Eddie asked
"you look beautiful sweetheart" her Mom said
"she's right Eddie, you're gorgeous!" Erin said
"do you like it honey?" Lena asked
"I think so, I really like the way the neckline looks" Eddie said
"thats one of our best styles. It's called a sweetheart neckline" the assistant said
"do you think Jamie will like it?" Eddie asked
"Eddie my brother loves you. He will love you in anything you pick. You just have to like it" Erin said
"I like it, I'll have to find shoes that will cover my ankle from... the scar but" she said
"I don't want that showing in all of our pictures" she said
"well if you like it then this is the one we should get" Lena said
"let me just change" Eddie said
        Eddie looked at herself again in the mirror and smiled. The dress really was perfect. Once she changed she put the dress in the black garment bag. Before heading to the check out, her Mom wanted to get a photo of her holding the bag in front of the store sign
"you should send this to Jamie!" Lena said
          Eddie smiled and brought up Jamie's name in her phone and sent the photo
Eddie: I finally found it!!
Jamie: I can't wait to see it. You'll be beautiful in anything! I love you
Eddie: 💜
       They took another half hour looking for shoes and she finally found a pair she really liked. It had a double strap that covered her scar too. They were heals but nothing crazy high. They went to the checkout and her Mom got out her credit card
"we all set ladies?" The cashier asked
"Yes ma'am" Lena said
"go ahead and swipe whenever your ready. I'll put the shoes in a bag for you as well" she said
"good luck on the big day!" the cashier said
"thank you! I'm so excited!!!" Eddie said
         Once they got home, Eddie had her Mom hide the dress in her closet. Jamie was at work when they got back, but he was home early around five.
"hey Mom" Eddie said
"yes?" Lena said
"so I've kind of been thinking about jobs recently" Eddie said
"oh, are you sure your ready for that step?" Lena asked
"I think so... I've been doing some research, and I think I want to go to the academy and become apart of the SVU unit. I really want to help other kids like me, and families who went through what we did" Eddie said
"wow.  That would be wonderful, have you discussed this with Jamie?" Lena asked
"sort of, we talked briefly about what I was gonna do after everything... but, I sort of wanted to surprise him?" Eddie said
"what do you mean surprise him? He'd know if you're gone all day or living some place else" Lena said
"well I did some research and you can live at the academy or live at home and go to class. He's gone all day anyway. I don't know I just sort of wanted to surprise him, so that way he could see how much progress I've made" she said
"well maybe try to talk to him again. Just see what he thinks of the ifea of you going to school and doing this career. If you decide that's what you really want to do... I'll pay for it and enroll you" Lena said
"thanks Mom... I know you already had to pay for it once and I didn't get to go" Eddie said
"hey that wasn't your fault. I love you, and I'll support whatever you decide to do okay?" Lena said
       Eddie hugged her Mom and then the two of them ate lunch

         It was the night before the wedding. Eddie didn't want a big party or anything and neither did Jamie. They just wanted their friends and family. Jamie had had dinner with Eddie and her Mom the night before, but then he was going back to his place so he could het ready in the morning
"I can't believe you're gonna be Mrs. Reagan tomorrow" Jamie said
"I love you" she said
"I love you too, always" he said
        He put his arms around her waist and he gently kissed her
"you get some sleep tonight okay?" Jamie said
"you too" she said
"enjoy your last night as Eddie Janko" he said sming
"thanks for dinner Lena" Jamie said
"anytime. I'll see you tomorrow" she said
          They kissed one more time and then even though it was only seven thirty, Eddie decided to shower and go to bed early since she had to get up early. She turned the water on and stepped out of her clothes. She glanced at herself in the mirror. She was never one to like her body image. She never thought she was fat, she just never had very much confidence... however as she looked at herself, she was finally happy with how she looked. She still had some scars but most of them were small now. Her weight was also good and healthy.
         After her shower she threw on a tank top and some shorts and went to bed... it was now a little after eight and she set her alarm for seven.

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