Problem After Problem

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In New York

In Sewer, At The Lair

The Turtles are getting ready to launch the T-Rocket. Donnie and Cheyenne were sitting in front. "Coordinates locked."  Cheyenne said to Donnie. "This is it." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne look at him with a smile. "If we explode, I swear I'll slap the green off you both." Raph said to the two. "Launch!" Leo yelled and Cheyenne presses the red button and they blasted off outside the sewer through the subway before flying right up into the night sky. The group then fall from the rocket, coming prepared with their Turtle Gliders to soar in the air until the turtles hit the ship that was invisible. "I think we found the ship." Jamey said to them as they quickly enter the ship, facing off with the Kraang once again. "It is the ones who call themselves the turtles. Kraang! We must alert Kraang!" One of the Kraang said to the other two Kraang. "Huh! Three little floating blobs of brains, that's it?" Raph said to them. "We could take these guys in our sleep." Leo said to them. "We could take these guys in our sleep And with our eyes closed. Wha!" Mikey said with a smile. "Don't be so cocky." Jesse said to them. "Why?" Raph said to her until a door opens and the turtles hear a sound making them take out their weapons ready for a fight. One of the Kraang's newest creations starts to enter this ape robot. "Aw, sewer apples." Tasneem said to them. "Uh, where's its head?" Jamey asks them as then the robot hits the turtles away from it. "Biotroid, engage." Kraang said as it flys over to the robot and sits on the top taking control of it. "Okay, maybe we were a little cocky." Donnie said to Jesse who looks at him.

The Turtles are forced to fight the extremely tough robot. The robot attacks Jesse making her stop it with her fans but the robot was too strong making her fall down. The robot takes out a chainsaw and then attacks Jesse but Leo stands in front of Jesse protecting her. The robot grabs Leo's arm and throws him into the wall then it grabs Jesse's hands pulling her to it. "JESSE!" Jamey yelled as she charged at the robot that punches her making land into Raph. The robot looks at Jesse's hands to see marks on her ankles then it takes out a needle and stabs it into Jesse's shoulder. "JESSE!" Leo calls as the robot drops Jesse who was unconscious from the needle. Jamey attacks the robot that grabs her by the neck then Cheyenne throws some bombs at the robot making it drop Jamey. Tasneem pulls Jesse away from the robot that turns to her making Tasneem protect her sister. Mikey hits the robot with his nunchakus making the robot turn to him and punches Mikey into a wall. The robot then attacks Mikey with its weapon that strikes Mikey, he dodges out of the way and, instead, the weapons strike a nearby button, which opens a gigantic shipment of Mutagen. "The shipment! It's mutag- Unh!" Leo said as he gets hit by the robot while Tasneem looks over at Jesse, who seemed to be suffering. "GUYS, SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH JESSE!" Tasneem yelled while the robot attacks them Cheyenne runs over to her. "Jess." Cheyenne calls her then Jesse's eyes open and they were black. "Oh..." Tasneem said then Jesse kicks the two away from her. Cheyenne and Tasneem hit into a wall while Jamey looks at Jesse to see her twitching. "Guys, we have a problem." Jamey said to them making Leo look over to see Jesse's black eyes looking at them. "Not now." Leo said to himself and he runs over to Jesse, who is smiling evilly at him. Leo attacks Jesse with his swords but Jesse dodges them and she grabs Leo by the neck. "You were planning on hurting your girlfriend." Jesse said in a demonic voice. "You are not my girlfriend." Leo said to her then Tasneem jumps onto Jesse's back making her drop Leo. Cheyenne takes out a needle with a sleeping drag in it and runs over to Jesse and puts it in her arm. Jesse hits her two sisters off her and she pins Tasneem to the floor. Then retractable blades come out of Jesse's hand before Jesse can stab Tasneem Jamey tackles Jesse to the floor. "Give me, my sister back you monster." Jamey said to her as Jesse starts fighting with her trying to get out of Jamey's hold on her. Cheyenne runs over with another needle and puts it in Jesse's arm making her slowly fall asleep. Leo looks over at Jesse who was in Jamey's arms asleep. "This thing's too tough!" Donnie yelled making Leo look away from Jesse and to the robot. "Oh, I got this!" Mikey yelled and he jumps over to the other two Kraang who was by the computer and he kicks one of them. The Kraang that Mikey kicked goes flying around in the ship until it hits a button making the ship's manhole. The ship starts moving side to side making Jamey hold onto Jesse who was still unconscious while the mutagen containers get out of the shipment. "DONNIE, THE MUTAGEN!" Cheyenne yelled making Donnie run over to the ship's manhole to stop the mutagen but it was too late. "No!" The turtles yelled in horror.

Half Shelled Heroes Book 2/ TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now