Past Is Past

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In New York

Later That Night

The Turtles are flying on their gliders once again, searching the whole entire area for Kirby with Mikey hanging on a rope that Raph was holding on to. "Turflytle is on the patrol, buzz, buzz. His bug eyes spy every crime, buzz, buzz." Mikey said to himself making Tasneem laugh a little. "Will you stop saying "Buzz, buzz." after every sentence?" Raph asks him. "I could do that, buzz, buzz, But I probably won't, buzz, buzz." Mikey said to him. "RAPH, SHUT HIM UP!" Jamey yelled at him. "It will be my pleasure." Raph said to her and he starts gliding around wildly. "Whoa, dude! Be kind to insects, buzz buzz!" Mikey yelled as he holds on. "Donnie, any sign of Kirby?" Cheyenne asks him. "Nothing yet. Raph, shake Mikey around a bit more. He needs to mimic a fly's flight pattern." Donnie said making Raph laugh. "No problem." Raph said and he starts gliding Mikey around looking like a bug flying. "Whoo, yeah, buzz, buzz!" Mikey yelled then Leo hears Jesse mumbling in pain. "Jesse, you okay?" Leo asks her looking over at her. "Yeah, I am fine." Jesse said to him as she rubs her head a little. "Kirby at 4:00!" Cheyenne yelled as Kirby flies toward Mikey. "He's heading straight for Mikey. Pull up, pull up!" Leo yelled at Raph who starts living Mikey up. "Whoa!" Mikey yells as Kirby misses him. "He's coming around again!" Donnie yelled making Raph glides away with Kirby following him. "Time for turflytle to take out his arch nemesis, Wing-Nut!" Mikey yelled as he hits Kirby in the face with his weapon. "Mikey, you are not giving Mr. O'Neil a monster name!" Tasneem yells at him then Leo freefalls on top of Kirby and Leo holds him steady. "Mr. O'Neil! Kirby! We don't wanna hurt you! We wanna help!" Leo yelled at Kirby trying to talk to him. "Stick to the plan!" Jesse yelled at the others. 

"There's a plan?"

Raph and Mikey said at the same time. "Are you kidding me, right now? The warehouse! We trap him in the warehouse!" Jesse yelled at them as the bat pushes Donnie making him fly crazy. "Donnie!" Cheyenne calls him as she flies over to him before Donnie hits the building rooftop Cheyenne grabs his hand and lands the two perfectly on the building rooftop. "Thanks." Donnie said to her. "You are welcome." Cheyenne said to him as they stared at each other. The two slowly lean in for a kiss until..."Guys! Up here! I'm over here!" The two hear April making them turn to see her. "April, hold on we are coming." Donnie said to her while Chyenene looks down with a red face.

Back with the others who were getting closer to the warehouse. "We're coming up on the warehouse!" Leo said as Raph and Mikey throws rope at Kirby's bat wings. Leo pulls on Kirby's ear pulling in the direction of the warehouse the four land on the floor by the huge cage that Cheyenne and Donnie made for Kirby. Jamey, Jesse, and Tasneem land in the warehouse and Jesse see that Kirby was in the right spot. Jesse presses a button making the cage fall over Kirby trapping him in a huge cage. "Sorry, Kirby. It's only temporary." Leo said to him as Cheyenne, Donnie, and April entered the warehouse. "Yo, we did it, Don, Cheye! We caught the Kirby bat! Ha!" Mikey said to the two making Cheyenne grab his mask ends. "Mikey, stop calling him that." Cheyenne said to him while April runs over to her dad. "Dad!" April yelled making the bat turn to her. "What are we gonna do with him? I mean, keep him caged forever? Feed him a steady diet of mice and flies?" April asks the turtles. "Actually, bats love moths and spiders too, so-" Donnie said to her making April gasp. "Sorry." Donnie said to her. "This is all my fault. If I hadn't lied to Dad-" April said to them as Mikey walks over to her. "Listen, don't blame yourself, April. It was our fault. We spilled the mutagen. We'll fix it." Mikey said to her making April turn to him while the other Turtles quietly told Mikey to shut up. "What? You guys- You guys spilled the mutagen?" April asks him very shocked while the other turtles were giving Mikey signs to stop talking. "Yeah." Mikey said not keeping his mouth quiet. "We accidentally unleashed all that mutagen all over the city, but don't worry. We'll get it back." Mikey said to her making Apilr look at the others. "You- You-" April said getting upset as the bat roars furiously, which scares Mikey and Tasneem. "I swear by darwin's beard, we'll cure him." Donnie said to her. "YOU MUTATED MY FATHER!!!" April yelled raising her voice in fury making the bat roar and broke out of his cage. "What? No!" April yelled as Kirby starts flying at them until Kirby flies off and escapes through the roof. "Dad!" April yelled but the bat is already gone making her look at the turtles, incredibly upset with them. "You keep away from me! I never wanna see your faces, ever again!" April yelled at them furious and runs away from them.

Later Back In the Sewers

"This is all very grave news. Very grave, indeed." Splinter said after the turtles' tells him the story. "I can't believe this is happening. Poor April." Donnie said making Cheyenne place her hand on his shoulder. "Do not dwell on the past. You must find every last canister of mutagen. You must search every street, every park, and playground, every building, and rooftop...before we have even more mutants on our hands." Splinter said to them.

Later, the night Cheyenne walks into the lab to see Donnie sitting by his table thinking. Cheyenne walks over to Donnie who was looking at his laptop. "You okay, Donnie?" Cheyenne asks him as she sits down next to him. "I feel bad for April." Donnie said to her making Cheyenne look at him. "She was mad at us, but we didn't mutant him for fun. The mutation happened without us knowing. It happened without warming." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look at her. "All April needs is a chance to cool off which is why we'll give her some space." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie smile at her. "Thank you for always being by my side." Donnie said to her. "You are welcome, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him. "Have you thought about it?" Donnie asks her and Cheyenne knows what he was talking about. "I have been thinking about it a lot. There is something about you that I like, Donnie." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie smile.  "And I went to give us a chance." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie hug her. "Thank you." Donnie said to her with a smile. "You're welcome, but I won't kiss you yet because I want to wait for the right moment." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie nod and he kisses Cheyenne's cheek.

Somewhere in New York, a squirrel walks into an alleyway, and curiously runs up to a broken container, with Mutagen seeping out of it. The squirrel then curiously takes a sip of the Mutagen then its eyes turned a vicious white eye.

Half Shelled Heroes Book 2/ TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now