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NYC's best comic relief hero meets teens' worst nightmare!

In The Sewer Liar

In the kitchen the toaster was on then toasts pops out of it. "Toast is done." Donnie said then he use his bō to swag the toasts in the target. Leo with a smile holds a plate, believing that toasts are going to hit plate, but instead Donnie misses trajectory and, the toasts hit Leo instead. Leo falls to the floor then he gets the toast out of his mouth. "Might be a little overdone, Donnie." Leo said to him. "Leo." Leo hears his name making him look up to see Jesse looking down at him. "What are you guys doing?" Jesse asks him as her sisters walk into the kitchen. "Making breakfast." Leo said to her as he stands up. "You want some eggs?" Leo asks the sisters while Jamey walks over to Raph. "You want anything?" Raph asks her with a smile making Jamey give him a look. "Orange juice." Jamey said to him. "Orange juice, coming right up." Raph said as he takes out two oranges and stabs them with his sais and it results with oranges' juice coming out and it hits Donnie's eyes, much to the young scientist's pain. "Ow!" Donnie yelled and he starts running around the kitchen in pain. "It stings, it stings!" Donnie yelled as he runs around the kitchen possibly looking for something for him to regain his eyesight. Donnie bumps into Leo, who's holding pot, and Leo loses his grip and pot falls on Raph, who angrily stands up, with eggs in his eyes. 

"Donnie, I told you scrambled!" Raph yelled then he puts his hands on his hips as eggs fall out from his eyes to his chest making it look like he has boobs. Jamey places her hand on her mouth as she starts laughing  while Raph glares at Donnie annoyingly and sardonically. Jesse helps up Leo who has a can of the pot on his head, stands up. "Oh, man. This place is a disaster." Leo said to them while Jesse removes the pot from Leo's head. "Yeah, Mikey usually makes breakfast. What's the deal?" Raph asks them while Cheyenne rubs Donnie's eyes with a towel. "MIKEY! Mikey, get up!" Raph yells furiously. "Maybe he is tired from making your breakfast Raph." Jamey said to him making Raph look at her. "I don't eat a lot." Raph said to her while Cheyenne helps Donnie up. "You okay?" Cheyenne asks him. "Yeah, I am fine." Donnie said to her while turning red. "That's good." Cheyenne said to him and she gives him a kiss on the cheek making Donnie giggle. "I can see you don't know how to cook." Jesse said to Leo as she leans onto him. "Well, I am happy to learn." Leo said to her while looking away from her as Jesse kisses his cheek.

"AAAHHHH!!! What the? I'M A MUTANT!!"

The group hears Mikey scream from his room. "Uh, he's just realizing that now?" Leo said to the group confused. "Maybe he had a dream about him being human." Tasneem said to them as Mikey comes around the corner with tiny little bumps on his head. "Guys, look at me! I'm covered in turtle zits!" Mikey while pointing at his head to were the bumps where. Mikey's brothers were grossed out by seeing their youngest brother's zits while the girls look at each other.

"Aw, gross."

Mikey's brothers said as Mikey slowly crosses to Raph, who disgustedly backs away to the table next to Jamey. "Talk about shellacne. You look like a green chimichanga." Raph said to Mikey. "Eh, don't worry, Mikey. It's just part of being a teenager." Leo said to him while he plays with Jesse's mask ends. "Have you ever had 'em?" Mikey asks him. "Heck no." Leo said as he turns his head into Jesse's shoulder while Cheyenne walks over to Mikey. "Hold up, guys. I think this might be serious." Cheyenne said to them then she takes out a device, while Mikey anxiously gulps. "Why do you have that on you?" Jamey asks herself.

In Donnie and Cheyenne's laboratory, Donnie is using device to investigate the zits as the others watch while Tasneem places her hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Okay, Mikey. The good news is, these so-called "zits" aren't gonna hurt you. And more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast." Donnie said to his brother making Cheyenne kick Donnie's leg. "Ow." Donnie said to himself while rubbing his leg. "That's a relief." Mikey said to himself. "But the bad news is they'll continue to spread all over your body." Donnie said to him making Cheyenne look at Donnie. "Spreading and spreading and spreading and spreading..."Donnie said in strange evil voice. "And then they disappear in a couple of hours, right?" Mikey asks him nervous. "No. And then your entire body will mutate into one, single, huge, giant, gargantuan zit!!" Donnie shout and the word "zit" echoes around in Mikey's head watches in horror. "Donnie." Cheyenne said to him making Donnie look up at his girlfriend. "What?" Donnie said to her as Mikey puts his hands on his head in despair and shrieks. "NOOOOOO!!!!" Mikey shouts while the others looks at him.

Half Shelled Heroes Book 2/ TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now