Squirrel Mutant

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In New York

At night, the Turtles in the Shellraiser search in New York streets for each and every dropped Mutagen canister that was accidentally spilled. "Take a right. No, left! Left!" Donnie yelled making Leo drive the Shellraiser right to the left following Donnie's orders. "Um, Donnie, maybe you can tell me before we pass the street." Leo said to him while Jesse was looking at the cameras. "I'm sorry, Leo. There's still so many mutagen canisters out there, my tracker is having trouble zeroing in on a single reading. Oh, turn right!" Donnie yelled making Leo turn a hard right making Jesse hit into Leo. "Whoa, I think I just got shell-lash." Raph said to Jamey who looks at him. "Same there." Jamey said to him while Leo gives a smile to Jesse. Cheyenne looks at the Mutagen Tracker in Donnie's hands making him look at her. A scream of horror suddenly rings out among the older turtles making them look at the two younger turtles to see that the two were reading scary comic books. "Hey, Mikey and Tasneem. You want to stop reading your comics and pay attention to the mission?" Leo asks them as Raph takes the comic book away from them. "Hey! That comic's in mint-" Mikey said making Raph hit him with the book. "Ah! Near mint condition. Don't mess it up." Mikey said to him while Jamey looks at the comic book in Raph's hands. "Great. Another horror story." Jamey said to them. "Guess who's gonna be up all night again?" Raph asks everyone while looking at Mikey and Tasneem. "What? No. I was up all night 'cause I was polishing my grappling hook." Mikey said to him. "I was cleaning my weapon." Tasneem said after Mikey. "Right." Jamey said to them as Jesse turns to them. "Tasneem, you have already been dreaming about...us." Jesse said to her making Leo look at her while holding Jesse's hand.

"Seriously, Mikey, what are those horror comics good for other than freaking you out and-" Raph said to Mikey then but then Donatello's Mutagen Tracker starts buzzing, which indicates that ooze must be nearby. "Got one! Stop here!" Donie yelled making Leo stop the Shellraiser at an abandoned movie theater. They all jump out of the Shell-Raiser and Donnie spots a trail of Mutagen that leads them to a broken canister near a movie theater. "My ooze specs are picking up a mutagen trail." Cheyenne said to them while wearing some specs that she made. "Come on!" Cheyenne yelled and the group follows Cheyenne. "Remember, this might be another trap, so we need to be careful." Leo said to them as the group walks over to the theater. Mikey was reading his comic book so he didn't see the popcorn on the floor making him step on it making a noise. Mikey looks up from his comic to see Jamey and Raph looking at him. "Some ninja." Raph said to him. "Guys, over here. It's half empty, but one more mutagen canister recovered." Donnie said to them while Cheyenne puts the canister in a bag. Then the group hears another scream making them turn to Mikey who was still reading his comic. "It wasn't me." Mikey said to them when he saw everyone was looking at him. The turtles look around the corner to see a scared homeless man scared of a small squirrel. "Why's that dude afraid of a cute, tiny little squirrel?" Jamey asks them. Without warning, the squirrel hisses at them showing them its repulsive tongue, causing the turtles to scream and cling to one another. Before the turtles can do anything, the mutant squirrel scurries inside the man's mouth and makes him both gag and faint. "Now can I scream in horror?" Mikey asks them.

The turtles made a decision to take the man back home to help him. "Dudes and Dudettes, this is a terrible idea. This is exactly how the alien got onto the ship in my comic book." Mikey said to them making Raph drop the man. "Maybe Mikey's right." Raph said to the other. "What?" The group said to him while Tasneem walks over to Mikey to look at the comic book. "I mean, the comic book thing is totally crazy, but I can think of a million other reasons it's a bad idea to take this guy back to the lair, starting with Splinter." Raph said to them. "Raph, that squirrel was clearly a mutant creature, which means this is our fault." Donnie said to him. "And our responsibility to fix it. I'll deal with Splinter." Leo said to them. "Need some help with that?" Jesse asks him making Leo look at her. "No, it's fine love." Leo said to her. "You guys drive me crazy with your love talk." Jamey said to Leo and Jesse who turns to her. 

Half Shelled Heroes Book 2/ TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now