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"I dare Merida and Elsa to do a british accent, Punzie to do an Irish accent, and finally––Hiccup and Jack to do a Scottish accent"

Elsa: *clears throat* I got this.

Elsa: 'Ello love! How are you today, lovely?

Merida: I'm well, thank you for asking babe! Cheerio!

Elsa: Was that close enough...?

Rapunzel: *grabs a beer* aye lads and lassies! Get on with the Irish spirit and drink s'more beer! *whispers* I'm not actually gonna drink this, just so y'know...

Jack: Hmm.

Hiccup: *puts on a Merida wig* I WANT TO CHEENGE ME FATE

Jack: *puts on a bear costume* IF YE HAD TO CHANCE TO CHEENGE YER FATE, WOULD YE?

Merida: At least I'm alive with both feet.

Jack and Hiccup: .....

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