Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus...

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'I dare all of you to watch Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus.'

Jack: Um, okay.

Elsa: *searches up on google* *clicks video*

Everyone: ...

Jack: Okay so this girl has a blonde quiff and blue eyes, why is the camera so close to her face?!

Rapunzel: I don't know but--woah, what is she wearing?!

Merida: I don't even think that's considered as clothes!!

Hiccup: I feel uncomfortable...

Elsa: Ew, she licked a sledgehammer!

Jack: Wait, what does metal taste like? *licks Hiccup's shoulder armor*

Hiccup: Now that is just creepy! *wipes shoulder*

Jack: Doesn't taste good. *spit*

Merida: Woah, what the--a wrecking ball almost hit her!

Rapunzel: She's just walking forward as if nothing happened!

Elsa: Okay, now she's swinging on the ball--um...I don't like how the camera is angled.


Everyone: Oh my god!

Jack: *covers Elsa and his eyes*

Merida: *covers Rapunzel and her eyes*

Hiccup: *covers eyes*

Elsa: I can't watch this anymore--somebody press the exit button!

Hiccup: I'm not doing it--I'm gonna have to open my eyes!

Merida: Just close the laptop! *closes*

Jack: Let's agree to never watch Miley Cyrus again.

Everyone else: Agreed.

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