2 ~ blanket cocoons and late-night kisses

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I stood from the bed with a bright light in my eyes.

The curtains were pulled and my warmth was gone. I huffed and ran a hand through my still-braided hair.

"You're awake." I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned and saw Technoblade. I nodded and looked away from him.

"Are you cold? I got you a cloak." He held a velvety red cloak with a fur lining, like his, but it was brighter than his.

"I'm okay-"

He walked up to me and placed the cloak on the bed. Get dressed and meet me in the dining area please."

He turned to leave and I grabbed his wrist, "Can you wait for me? I don't know where the dining area is."

"I would but the knights are waiting for me. You can ask Amber or just follow the noises of rowdy men."

I nodded and he left. Amber came into the room moments later. "Good morning, my lady. Do you wish for red or golden yellow?" She held up two dresses from the wardrobe.

I turned my head to the side to pick yellow. Amber helped me tie up the back of the dress and she took down the braids from the day before. My hair was in soft waves so she tied it in a ponytail with a yellow ribbon. I had on yellow flats and a pair of short white gloves.

Amber left to help a different maid and I was on my own. I left the bedroom and started down the hallway.

Sure enough, after the first staircase down I could hear the sound of rowdy men. I found the dining hall rather fast and as I placed my hand on the door handle, the door opened.

"Oh, I was about to come to check on you." Technoblade stood in front of me. I looked up at him and dropped my hand from the handle. "Did you get lost?"

I looked down and shook my head, "I took my time."

He lifted my chin and smiled softly, his canines showing. "You look beautiful in yellow."

"Thank you."

He took my hand and led me into the dining hall. A lot of the knights followed me with their eyes and some stopped their conversation. Five, long tables were all almost full. I sat next to Technoblade at the end of the middle table. I kept my head down to avoid eye contact with anyone here.

Technoblade noticed everyone quieting down and stood up, pulling me to my feet too. I felt smaller than usual with everyone staring at me.

"This is Verena. I expect you all to treat her with the same respect you do me."

All of the knights cheered and yelled out "Good morning, Verena!" in almost perfect unison.

We sat back down and they all went back to their yelling. Technoblade gently put a hand on my shoulder, "Why aren't you wearing a cloak? It's cold in the castle and you're not well with cold."

I shrugged, "I don't know. I didn't think about it." I spoke quietly.

"Do you want mine? I'm used to the cold, you're not." He offered, unclasping his cloak.

I shook my head, "I'm okay."

He took it off anyway and threw it over my shoulders. He adjusted the clasp to fit my shoulders instead of his large, broad ones.

"You didn't have to-"

"You're cold." He gently took my wrist, "You have goosebumps." He rubbed my arm for a second to warm me up.

He started putting food on my plate, "Tell me what you want."

I didn't say anything so he just started putting it on my plate for me to eat.


I sat on the sofa next to the fireplace in the bedroom. My wagon was still just outside of L'Manburg so I didn't have anything to do. I watched the flames and laid my head on the armrest. Technoblade said he was going to do some training with the knights and Amber was helping the other maids with a new addition to the village.


I woke up to a warm blanket over my body. I sat up on the bed. Bed? I fell asleep on the couch.

"You're awake. You were asleep when I came in. Your body was cold again." Technoblade walked up to the bed and put a hand on my shoulder to see if I was warm again or still cold. "You're still a bit cold."

I looked down at myself, feeling the cold just a little too well. "I fell asleep in my dress-"

"I didn't change you, don't worry. I had Amber come in." He patted my head and walked over to the fire. He put a log in the fire from a pile, fueling the flame. I stood up from the bed and he was almost immediately by my side, pushing me back down onto it. He wrapped the blanket around me with only my face able to be seen. He pushed me back so that I was in the middle of the bed. He went behind the dressing screen and came back in a more comfortable outfit.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"Almost evening. You were asleep for a long while." He sat across from me on the bed.

"When did you get back from training?"

"Four or five hours ago, I think."

"What have you been doing while I was asleep?"

"I polished my sword, did a bit of journaling, and took a bath."

I bit the inside of my cheek. He patted my cheek almost immediately, "Don't bite your cheek. You'll make yourself bleed."

I stopped and looked at him with a bored expression, "I'm bored. And I'm not tired."

He shrugged, "What do you want to do?"

I squirmed around in the blanket cocoon. "Right now I want out."

He laughed and halfway undid the blanket. I got the rest of the way out and pushed the blanket to the side. I moved to sit next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What do you want to do?" He repeated his question.

"I don't know."

He grabbed the blanket and laid it over both of us. "Do you want me to read?"

I nodded and he reached over to his nightstand, grabbing a pair of small reading glasses and a book.

"You wear glasses?" I inquired.

"Only when I read." He opened the book and flipped to the first page. The glasses sat between the bridge and the tip of his nose, giving him an older look. He put an arm around me and started reading.

Despite the amount of sleep I had, I couldn't resist my heavy eyelids and Technoblade's soothing voice. I was lulled to sleep.


Technoblade's POV (OMG for the first time)


I looked down at Vera to see the hair on her face. She was nuzzled into my side with a hand on my chest and her other hand resting under her. My hand rested on her hip and the book in my other. I got to page 47 before noticing her dozing off. I continued reading to ensure she was completely asleep. I closed the book on page 58 and put it on my nightstand with my glasses on top of it.

I tried to move Vera to a more comfortable position but she only nuzzled into me more and her hand took a bundle of my shirt to keep me from moving.

Her hair was on her face, her eyes were closed, and her cheeks were tinted pink. I brushed the hair out of her face and my thumb lingered on her cheekbone, slowly tracing down to her lips. I pushed my thoughts away and held her close, readjusting the blanket so that she was completely covered.

I rested my chin on her head and held her curled-up figure.

I gently planted a kiss on her forehead and closed my eyes.

Word Count: 1254

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