6 ~ sniffles and cuddles

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This entire chapter is written in Techno's POV


The castle was within my sight. I caught a glimpse of Amber checking outside and running back in, most likely to inform the others and Vera that I was returning.

Upon entering the gate, Ralph came up to me and took the horse while I walked the rest of the way.

I entered the castle and immediately found myself going to my room. Amber left and passed me as I walked in.

Vera lay in the middle of the bed with the blanket covering her from her shoulders down. The curtains were completely closed and no candle was lit. The only light in the room came from the fireplace and the small amount of light that shone through the curtains.

Vera was sickly pale and the only colours on her face came from the dark circles under her eyes despite her hours upon hours of sleep and her pink nose. She was weak and fatigued from days of being ill. Her forehead shined a thin layer of sweat and she shivered violently despite her raging fever and the thick blankets covering her.

I walked to her side and put a hand on her forehead before wiping her hair back. "How are you feeling?"

She just looked at me through half-lidded eyes. Her eyebrows formed a stitch while she breathed through a small gap between her lips.

I took that as an 'I feel dead' and started taking off my gear. I changed into something more comfortable and lay next to her. I pulled her into my side and wrapped the blanket around us both.

She pulled back and looked up at me. We made eye contact for a few minutes, I even found it comedic at one point how she was looking at me considering she couldn't even look at my face for longer than five seconds when we first met.

Vera put her hand on my cheek. The look in her eyes told me she was practically in another world. Her hand moved just enough for her fingertips to brush against the base of my ear. I tensed slightly at the feeling but found it soothing. She used her other hand to gently trace one of my scars. I closed my eye so that she could see the whole scar. She was even more gentle when she traced over my eye. It was fast but she traced the scar on my lip and moved on to the next one.

Vera still stared into my eyes as she spoke, "You're pretty."

"And you're delirious." I took her hands and held them together, she was freezing my face with them. "When Amber said you were ill I thought she meant a cold, not the plague."

I moved a hand to move a curl from her face. She took one of her hands back and coughed into her elbow.

"You just can't shake that cough, can you?"

She mustered up a small smile.

"You're cute but your complexion is scaring me." I gently rubbed a thumb over one of the dark bags under her eyes and barely grazed her forehead with my lips.

She closed her eyes and leaned in, my lips planting a kiss instead of just grazing. I pulled back and looked down at her.

"What if I kissed you right now?" I hummed.

She shook her head slightly, causing my heart to contract. "You'll get sick."

I laughed and pushed her hair back again, "I'm probably either already infected or immune."

She was quiet for a moment. When I pulled back to see if she was asleep, her eyes were closed and was breathing softly with small wheezes every so often.


Vera was still passed out at dinner time. Amber brought food and saw me still laying with Vera.

"Sir here is your food and here is the Lady's." She waited for me to sit up and handed me a plate and a bowl.

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