4 ~ New Rules

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1 Week Later


Quackity returned to Las Nevadas to see that Wilbur's army was just a threat. No one had actually attacked him. He and the other Ferals met and decided to team up with Technoblade and me to fight against Wilbur. We also recruited Ranboo and Tubbo.

However, Technoblade didn't like the idea too much.

"I'm fine, my wound is almost healed." I protested.

"No. You're not leaving the castle until you're fully healed and you can actually bathe by yourself."

I groaned and stood up from the bed, "I'm fine. I can ride a horse."

"Last time I said no and you fought back you happened to get injured on that same day."

"And what am I supposed to do if someone attacks while I'm sitting in here all alone with nothing to defend myself?"

"No one will."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Do I need to go back over the rules? You are not allowed to leave the castle until you are fully healed."

I groaned and plopped next to him on the sofa. I stretched out on him to keep him from standing to leave. "Rules are made to be broken."

He looked down at me and gave me a look, "Congratulations, you're now on room arrest. No leaving this room until I'm back."

I pouted and punched his shoulder, "What about meals? Do you want me to starve?"

"Amber can bring you your food as she has been."

"What if I want to take a walk?"

"This room is quite large." He gestured to the area.

I scoffed and rolled over on him to look straight at him. "You could just stay here."

"No can do." He stood up easily with me in his arms and placed me back on the bed. 

"But this means I'm stuck in this room for at least another week."

He shrugged, "Rules are rules."

I stood back up and tried to follow him out of the room.

"Sit." He turned around to look at me. I shook my head. "I'll come back as soon as possible."

"Or you could just take me with you."

"I'll be back soon, okay?" He leaned down slightly to look into my eyes without me having to crane my neck. "I'll try to hurry."



We shared a short hug and he started leaving. Just as the door was about to shut, I grabbed it. I looked at him with a pouty face. "I'm gonna be cold."

His nostrils flared slightly as he remembered my problems with the cold. He took off his cape and handed it to me, "It won't be as great as me but it will work."

I shook my head and handed it back to him. "Or I could just-"


I groaned and put my head against his chest. "Do you have to go?"

"Yes. And the longer I stay here the longer it will be for me to get back."

I punched his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I gotta go."

I let go and watched him walk down the hallway. He turned a corner and I shut the door. I walked to the window and waited until he started walking to the stable. Ralph handed him the horse and he was off. 

In less than half a minute he was out of my sight, the last thing I saw was his spare red cloak.

I plopped onto the bed and winced.

"This is going to be a long week." I mumbled.

Short chapter!!

Word Count: 556

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