37. Break a Bed

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Taelon put a blade in little Thorins hand. A wooden blade and it tipped out of his hand.

"Too young for swordplay. Right right. We can try again tomorrow." Taelon assured.

Taelon moved on to dragons. A dragon egg for his boy.

Tommen followed him down as Rhae nervously stepped into the dragon pit. She was a brave and confident woman but a cave of dragons that would scare the shit out of anyone.

''I wont let them hurt you.'' Taelon assured as he ran a hand along Roks leg. Rhae trusted Taelon. She never trusted anyone as much as she did Taelon. It was a strange and wonderful.

Searching for an egg was unlike anything Rhae had every experianced. The Targaryen's were known for their dragons but a cave full of them.

"Syrax. Thats Nyras girl. Fury... fuck no." Taelon grumbled. "I dont want you here. If you are here that means your mother is here and she is trouble!" Taelon declared. Fury huffed a breath back at him.

"Whos Fury?" Rhae countered.

"This gorgeous beast." Taelon remarked as they passed. "You fuck Syrax give us some eggs?" Taelon questioned. Fury glared down at him and Rhae saw fear in Taelons eyes as he picked up Thorin and moved along.

"Who does Fury belong to?"

"My cousin."


"Glorious creature it must be my lucky day!" Tommen declared. Davina glanced back at him. "Its Tommen". He reminded her. "Tommen Strong".

"Not ringing any bells". Davina corrected turning her attention back to Harwin. Tommen scoffed out a breath.

"Well this is certainly a nice change." Harwin mused.

"What?" Davina countered.

"Tommens usually the ladies man." Harwin informed her.

"Why when you are so muscular and strong," she brought a hand up to his jaw. "I do love a man with a beard." Tommen couldnt believe this. What the actual hell. "They call you break bones but I think you and I would have more fun breaking a bed." Harwin chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I think you are right." Harwin agreed.

"Its been a while. I understand Ive grown a lot since then but I assure you-" Tommen was trying and failing to get her attention back on himself. What did Harwin have that Tommen didnt?

"You want to get out of here?" Davina purred in Harwins ear.

"You know what. I really would." Harwin agreed. "Lets go break a bed."


"Taelon we have a problem and its major! Like end of the workd as we know it!" Tommen announced coming into their chambers.

"Tommen so lovely to see you." Rhae mused as she brushed out her hair.

"Oh hello yes- no!" Tommen corrected. "Where is Taelon?"

"Giving Thorin a bath." Rhae remarked nodding to the tub in the suite off the room.

"Splish splash you were taking a bath." Taelon sung out. "Du, du, dum!"

Thorin laughed out slapshing in the water.


"Seven fucking hells mate!" Taelon countered jumping up.

"Am I no longer handsome? Have my charms faded? Was I never handsome to begin with?" Tommen whimpered

"Whats going on?"

"Davina is here."

"Yes I saw Fury". Taelon agreed.

"Shes fucking my brother!" Tommen declared and Taelon froze before laughing out. "Its not funny!"

"Its kind of funny". Taelon countered.

"It is not!" Tommen spat back.


"You must be Taelons new wifey". Davina remarked tipping her head from side to side as she looked at Rhae.

"Yes Im Rhae". Rhae answered thinking she should curtsy but Taelon had told her to be herself. He loved her as she was. But still his cousin was a princess. Davina stuck her hand out for Rhae sensing her hesitation and Rhae shook it.

"Davina". She remarked. "I have to say I never thought I would see the day Taelon got married by choice".

"It was a... surpirse for us both". Rhae offered.

"What is she doing?" Taelon questioned as they moved.

"Talking to your wife. Not fun to be replaced by davina is it!" Tommen declared.

"Working on another heir?" Davina pondered. Rhae blushed looking to her feet. "Come on I will show you some fun". Davina declared grabbing her hand.

"Um, well I should probably-" Rhae began.

"Im stealing your wife!" Davina declared. "Dont wait up!"


"Now you know what it was like for me." Viserys remarked. "When you ran off all night when you were young and I was worried-" he choughed out before Taelon helped him sit down.

"Rhae is capable." Taelon assured. "She is very skilled and very smart. You should see her on a hunt". For thorins thrid name day we are doing a hunt. "Just the three of us. "

"I see the love you have for them that I never once saw a fraction of in Daemon". Viserys remarked. "You are a good man Taelon".

"Thank you father".

"Ahh there they are. Hello Davina, Lady Rhae welcome back." Viserys remarked.

"Wipe that worried look off your face. I got her back in one piece". Davina assured as Rhae kissed Taelon.

"You had fun?" Taelon questioned holding Rhae to him.

"Your cousin is the best." Rhae agreed.

"I am." Davina agreed flipping her hair over her shoulder as she strutted down the hall. "Tommen, come on Im just drunk enough that maybe you can convince me that you are the better Strong."

"Yes ma'am!" Tommen drclared chasing after her.

"I want another baby". Rhae whispered again Taelons lips.

"I want another baby with you". Taelon confurmed.

"Best get to started then."

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