50. It was Literally Forever Ago

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"Come on Rhaenyra, lets go for a walk." Rhae suggested wrapping an arm around Nyra's shoulders.

"Rhae my gorgeous Targaryen!" Davina declared. 

"Davina, I didnt know you would be here." Rhae remarked hugging her when they got outside. 

"Of course, hottie hunt." Davina agreed before looking at Rhaenyra. "So, we-" Davina spun aruond. "GAENA! STOP FLIRITING AND GET OVER HERE!" Davina's sister Gaena blushed at the knight she was talking to before stomping over to Davina. 

"Rude." Gaena declared. "Oh hey Rhae, Rhae. Dav told me all about you I'm so glad you are here." Rhae hadnt had friends, not really and now she felt like she had family and friends and a true home with the Targaryens.

"So we heard that your father is trying to marry you off." Davina remarked.

"That's right." Rhaenyra agreed bitterly. "Neither of you are married." Nyra remarked. "How do you do it?" Davina chuckled.

"Dav was married, she burned him on their wedding night." Gaena informed her. "I don't recommend the Davina method though."

"My way is better." Davina countered.

"And your father he never pushed again?" Nyra asked them.

"I find that running away and never staying in one place too long really helps for avoiding unions." Gaena remarked.

"You just keep moving around?" Nyra asked them.

"It's fun." Davina assured. "We have each other and a long list of men falling at our feet."

"Tommen Strong included." Gaena added nodding to Tommen and Taelon chatting with the knights.

"Came all the way from the frozen north." Taelon declared patting Clint's back. 

"Had a run in with a snowcat." Clint informed him. "Damn near killed me. I think I'm staying south bound for a while." 

"Good idea." Taelon agreed. 

"No, no, no." Tommen murmured hiding behind Taelon. 

"Sylvie?" Taelon pondered. 

"Banner." Tommen corrected. Clint waved a hand as he came over. "What the hell are you doing?" Tommen snapped. 

"He's a friend, he was in dorne I was at winterfell,  I havent seen him in ages." Clint corrected. 

"He is a temperamental man child- Hello Banner." Tommen offered kindly. 

"Tommy boy, its been a while. Are you getting smaller?" Banner questioned and Tommen choked out a laugh before inching away. 

"I see Maximoff, he's fast I best find him before he runs off." Tommen offered. 

"I don't think I could get away with running. Taelon had a tour and father found him easily." Nyra reminded her cousins. 

"And found this lovely woman married her and his life has been wonderful since." Gaena agreed. 

"It has been wonderful." Rhae agreed. 

"He also wasnt hiding." Davina remarked.

"How is the sex?" Gaena questioned and Rhae blushed. "That good huh?"

"He wasnt bad." Davina recalled and Rhaenyra and Rhae's eyes went wide. "Oh it was forever ago" Davina assured Rhae. "Like literally forever ago." 

"That makes me feel better." Rhae agreed. Rhae knew she wasnt like other women, she was strong and tough, she was a fighter, a hunter, she wasnt one for balls and galas but neither was Davina. Davina was also taller, thinner, silver hair and stunning eyes. Not about to explode with a child and her figure would forever be perfect... but Rhae shook the thoughts of insecurity away as Jason approached them. Taelon loved her for her. He loved her just as she was. 

'I wonder, Princess... was your own second name day as grand as this?' Jason called after them and Davina groaned.

"Lannister alert." She muttered.

'I honestly don't recall and neither will Aegon.' Rhaenyra remarked glancing to her cousins.

'Lord Jason Lannister.' He introduced. "Davina, so... lovely to see you again... Lady Rhae."

'I gathered that from all the lions.' Rhaenyra remarked noting his cloak.

"It is lovely to see me." Davina agreed.

"Davina's very burnt first husband was a lannister." Gaena whispered to Nyra.

"Really?" Rhae declared with a laugh. "They must love you." Davina nodded sarcastically. 

'I don't think we've been properly introduced.' Jason remarked trying to avoid Davina's gaze.

'Your twin serves on my father's council.' Nyra remarked.

'Tyland is... frightfully dull, gods love him.' Jason said as he handed her a glass of wine. 'The finest honeyed wine you'll ever taste. Made in Lannisport, of course.'

'Of course.' She agreed dryly as she brought it to her lips. He offered a glass to Rhae, Gaena and davina, they ever so bluntly refused his piss poor wine. Davina took the cup from Rhae and dumped it. 

"You dont want that." Davina assured. 

"Tommen!" Gaena declared running off. Davina looked between Nyra and Gaena before grabbing Rhae's hand.

"You're on your own kid." Davina whispered walking off with Rhae. Nyra stared after them.

'Ah, the Kings wood, it's fine hunting ground. But the best spot is to be found at Casterly Rock, near my home. Have you been?' Jason questioned

'Um, once... on tour with my mother when I was young, and honestly can't recall much of that either.'

'The Rock is thrice the height of the Hightower in Old town, taller still than the Wall in the north. It's been said that if one were to stand in the tower... on a perfect day, one could see clear across the Sunset Sea.' Jason boasted

'It must be quite something.'

'Hm, I don't have a Dragon pit, of course, but... I do have the means and resources to build one.'

'Why would you need a Dragon pit?' Rhaenyra questioned.

'To house dragons, of course. I'd do anything for my Queen... or... lady wife.' Jason mused leaning in.

'Thank you for the wine.' Rhaenyra said politely as she handed back the cup and headed off to find her father. She was not going to be sold off.


"Taelon, I feel like I havent seen you at all." Davina remarked as Taelon hugged Rhae to him. Davina smiled as taelon rested his chin on the top of her head. This right here was why Davina never wanted to marry because she didnt find a man that made her feel like that. 

"I've been here." Taelon countered.

"We had a lovely little chat with Rhaenyra." Gaena added.

"Oh?" Taelon asked innocently as he took another sip.

"I think your father is going to set her up." Davina remarked.

"He is trying to." Taelon agreed.

"But I think she would be happier touring the world with us." Gaena offered.

"You want to steal my sister?" Taelon asked.

"No, I was thinking, now hear me out." Gaena said leaning into Tommen. "We all go."

"All?" tommen asked waggling his eyebrows.

"You, me, Dav, Rhae, Taelon and Rhaenyra." Gaena offered. "She doesnt have to marry and then..." Gaena smiled at Tommen.

"So this is really because you know Tommen wont leave me because he has separation anxiety." Taelon mused and Tommen punched him in the shoulder.

"Think about it." Davina offered. 

"We have a son." Taelon corrected. "Although he might enjoy it thoroughly." 

"He would think it was great." Rhae agreed. 

"So thats a yes!" Gaena exclaimed hopefully. 

"Lets get through this pregnancy and see how everyone is." Taelon countered. 

"Sounds like a plan." Rhae agreed.

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