Prologue Part 1 - A Glimpse of a Kind Heart

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It was late summer night at a local Lawson in a Japanese city. No one is there except for the cashier and a blonde haired girl who has just purchased her items and is leaving now. Just as she exited the Lawson, she's then surrounded by two thugs, who are hiding near the parking lot for her.

"Eeek!" The girl shrieked, as the thugs laughs of their successful capture of the girl.

"Now now, little lady. Give us your money and we won't play with ya~" One of them said, licking his lips in a sinister way.

"But you don't have a say in this matter, do you? You're just a weak girl who can't even defend herself~" The other said, laughing at his demeanor. The girl is understandably scared, and wiggles herself from their grasps, but to no avail.

"Help! Heeelp!" She cried, but no one is nearby to hear her plea, not even the cashier, who is away taking a leak. The two thugs laughs some more before pulling out their knifes and points it at her neck, scaring her even more.

"Alright. Purse out, little lady!" The first one threatened. The girl however almost starting to submit herself, until...

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" Everyone turned to see someone standing away from them, walking towards the scene, eyes filled with anger and hatred.

The person himself is a teenage boy, with a ruffled black hair, yellow eyes, and medium sized physique. He's wearing a gray jacket, with an otaku shirt underneath and a pair of jeans, finishing it off with a pair of red running shoes.

The two thugs gritted at the newcomer, upset of their moment getting interrupted.

"Who the fuck are you then, kiddo?!" The second one asked.

"I don't give a damn! Now get away from that bitch!" The boy yelled in return, positioning himself to a boxing-ready stance.

"You think that us thugs gonna let our cashcow away?! You're a fucking idio-" Before the first thug can finish, the boy immediately rush towards the thug, and delivers an uppercut at his jaw, launching him backwards before doing a haymaker to the other. The girl, who is still paralyzed in fear, is then getting her arm grabbed by him. She looks at him in awe, seeing him like a hero to her, but what comes next however turns it for the worse as he pulls her and launches her away from the parking lot, making her trip and fall as she's surprised by the sudden force.

The boy then faces the two thugs, who are recovering from their attack, as they're glaring at the boy.

"You're gonna regret that, fucker!" The second thug yelled, and starts to rush towards the boy. Seeing how predictable they are, the boy ducks and delivers a punch to his stomach. He punched it so hard without any restraint that the thug quickly fell down. The first thug however is undeterred from the boy, as he also rushes him. The boy this time dodges the attack by the side and delivers a punch to the back of the thug's head, and again without restraint, making him fall down to the ground. The two thugs are now knocked out, and the boy stomps at the first's back in anger.

"Next time you're gonna steal some cash, do it in jail, assholes." He said, stomping for one last time before leaving him. As the boy starts to leave the konbini altogether, he gets approached by the girl, who is grateful for his saving.

"Wait!" She said, but instead of a concerned look, she was greeted with a glare from the boy, stopping her from approaching closer as she "Eeek!" from his glare.

"Stay back, bitch!" He said. "I ain't gonna do you anymore favors in a lifetime." Despite his demeanor, the girl tries to get closer. Seeing that she's not scared, the boy grits before pushing her away roughly, before pulling up his hood and running away.

As the girl recovers from the push, she heard a familiar yell from afar, as her mother is running towards her in great worry with a couple of police officers with her.

"Mahiru!" Her mother then hugs her. The girl, now named Mahiru, sheds some tear as she finally unable to hold back. As she cries however, she spotted something on the ground, from where the boy once stood. Mahiru then gently removes herself from the hug as she goes to the item, and it's a Student ID card, that features the boy's face, his school name, and most importantly, his name.

"... Asakura Hayaru..." She reads the name outloud, before hugging the card near her chest. The scene quickly pulls away as more police cars are arriving, before the view then turn towards the dark yet starry sky.

And that, is the beginning of the story of the women-hating Asakura Hayaru, with his life changing once again in a few days, before the start of his high school days...

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