Chapter 12 - Breaking Point

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It was some time after Hayaru walked away from Yuniko back at the jewelry store. He's now alone at the children park nearby, contemplating about the past few months of his life. From his friendship being cut off over a competition, to the rich girl who used him for buying outrageous items. Not to mention many times that he was asked by other girls for smaller things. He felt like he have been used by them, and it made him realize something.

Before he can conclude however, someone approached him with the sound of black boots getting closer.

"Well, well... what do we have here?"

A deep feminine voice has spoken, making Hayaru look up to see the person. From a glance, she looked like a delinquent who're wearing red vest over her black middle school uniform from another school. She's taller than Hayaru and has a well built frame, along with a long crimson hair as her single visible green eye stares at the pitiful Hayaru.

"A puppy who got lost from the owner? What a poor thing." She said in a pitiful voice, making Hayaru confused. He then looked around before slowly pointing at himself. "Of course I'm talking to you, silly. Now tell me, what happened to you? Running away from your parents? A heart break from a breakup? That was just some that I can guess from you poor thing."

Hayaru is skeptical about this random woman's words. But he sees genuine concern from her, thus in his moment of weakness, he told her what happened to him in the past. The woman kept listening to his rant, before she then hugs him out of pity, as he's now turned into a sobbing mess.

"You poor, poor thing..." She cooed. "In that case, how about you come with me? I promise that I'll treat you better than those girls." Her sweet words and her gentle actions ultimately pulled Hayaru over, as he nods at her suggestion. "Good, good..." She then said.

With that, the woman then pulls him with her, as she leads to elsewhere.

"In that case, welcome to the Zaku Gang, Ayaru~"

Little did Hayaru knew however, everything that has transpired was just an act, as her true nature will soon be unfold the moment they've arrived at her hideout...

~~ >> ~~

The moment Hayaru were brought to the Zaku Gang's hideout, it was hell for him. Upon arrival, he gotten only a very small break before one of her henchmen ordered him for something mundane. He tried to decline kindly, but they forced him by hitting him with a racket, thus he had to do so or else they'll hurt him more.

If that wasn't enough, the woman who brought him here finally revealed herself of being a cruel and ruthless leader of the gang, forcing him to do what she wants while threatening him with a more violent punishment than how the henchmen do to him. It was agonizing, to say the least.

And the leader enjoyed every single one of it.

He was kept there for four days, until a raid from the police happened, capturing many of the gang members, but not the leader. As for Hayaru, one of the officers found him, but unfortunately...

When he sees the female officer, he went ballistic.

He trashes and throws tantrum towards the officer without any reasoning left, and he was forced to knocked out by the other officers before being brought to the hospital. After a day of diagnosing and testing, the doctors concluded that Hayaru have developed a major case of mysogynism from the captivity, where he rushes towards any female that he sees before attacking them. Because of this, they asked the school officials to let him finish his education at home, while the doctors are giving him therapy to lessen his mysogyny.

Since then, his extreme mysogyny has lessen to certain girls that affected him in the past, while his overall mysogyny still lingers, but no longer to an extreme degree. In addition to that, he was forced to take a year off of education, and held off his high school admittance because of it.

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