Chapter 9 - Wrong Way of Repayment

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After the lunch break, as Hayaru returned to his homeroom, he noticed an envelope on his desk. The envelope itself looked a bit luxurious and has gold trimming on the edges. The front of the envelope also has an address to him.

'What the fuck is happening right now?' He thought, and against his better judgement, he opens the envelope to see a letter inside, which he reads it.

"Greetings, Asakura Hayaru-kun.
If you have time after school, please meet me near the Sakura Tree behind our school.
I don't have any malicious intention to you. I just want to talk to you about something important.
I hope you will come by then.


After reading the letter, Hayaru crumples it into a ball and throws it away. Thinking back about the letter, he believed that Anaheim is someone important, yet he doesn't know who they are.

'Whatever this bitch or fucker planning, I have my knuckle joe waiting for them.' He thought, and decided to heed to the letter, even if he doesn't know who the sender is. However, someone is watching him from the indoor window, nodding in content before walking away.

~~ >> ~~

It's after school, and Hayaru is getting ready to meet this Anaheim. Just as he walked outside of the homeroom, Momoi is approaching him casually.

"Yo, Aru-kun! Let's head out!" He said, but Hayaru shakes his head.

"Not today, man. I got a letter from this Anaheim guy who wanted to meet me at the back." Hayaru said. When Momoi heard the name, his eyes went wide.

"Anaheim?!" He repeated, making Hayaru confused if his childhood friend knows about it, with Momoi then holds his shoulder and shakes him. "Aru-kun, that's one of the more famous families around Japan! How the heck did you get invited by them?!"

"I don't fucking know, alright!" Hayaru stopped his friend's shaking. "Look, I don't care how famous they are. I just want to see that fucker and then go back home."

"Then I'll go with you. I can't just leave you go meeting the Anaheim family alone." Momoi said while placing his hand on his chest in worry. Seeing how concerned his friend is, Hayaru sigh before gesturing him to follow.

"Guess so. I'd need your pretty boy powers if shit goes down." Hayaru joked, which Momoi chuckle. On their way, Momoi reminiscing his joke, before blushing.

'He's relying on me! That's great!' He thought. 'Though it'll take a while until he asks me for help by himself. Either way, that's a good progress for my plan.'

~~ >> ~~

After reaching the designated place, Momoi hides behind a corner of a building to watch over him. As for Hayaru, he stopped near the Sakura tree, waiting for the mysterious Anaheim to show up.

"Thank you for coming, Hayaru-kun." The two boys flinched upon hearing the voice, because they remember clearly who speaks in that tone of voice.

'Fucking...!' Hayaru fumed in anger, fist balling as he's holding his rage. From behind the tree, the girl with white hair and green accent comes out from it.

Shiroyuki "Anaheim" Yuniko.

'Wait, she's Anaheim?!' Momoi thought at the surprise revelation. Yuniko then smiled at him in relieve.

"Hayaru-kun, I hope that you still remember me." She said, which of course he still is.

"What the fuck do you want..." He grits. The girl then gasps upon hearing him cursing.

"Hayaru-kun... are you still mad at me...?" She cautiously asked, not forgetting about her last moments with him.

"Do you think that I'm not mad at you, bitch?" He replied, raring to punch her face. However, he's still holding back, because Momoi is watching him.

"Hayaru-kun..." She repeated his name for the third time. "In that case, I shall not delay it any further." Yuniko then pulls out something from behind the tree. It's a large black briefcase, typical to that to what businessmen usually use for work. Hayaru gets skeptical of what she's planning, until she opens it.

Money. The briefcase is filled with stacks of paper Yen. If one can count how much, it would be around a million of them.

Momoi went jaw dropped at the scene, seeing that the girl is offering Hayaru that much money is insane for him. But he's more curious about his friend's reaction to it.

"What... the... fuck..." Hayaru muttered at the money.

"This is for you, Hayaru-kun. This is my way of repaying you for all the kindness that you've given to me in the past." Yuniko explained. "I truly insist that you take it. Then hopefully, we could start over, as friends."

The last sentence finally broke the camel's back. Without warning, Hayaru punches the briefcase from below with an uppercut, launching it away from the two, and leaving Yuniko in shock.

"If you think that money can make me forgive you... You're fucking wrong!!" Hayaru reels his hand for a punch, but he gets held back by Momoi, who is panicking at the development.

"Quick, run away!" He said to Yuniko, but the girl is more worried about Hayaru despite the danger.


"Just go!" Momoi then pulls Hayaru away, despite the latter trashing around to break free of his friend's grip. After some distance, Momoi releases him before pinning him onto the wall to stop further trashing.

"What the fuck were you doing, Momotaro?!" Hayaru yelled at him.

"She's already gone! You can stop now!" Momoi yelled back. As Hayaru turned to the tree, Yuniko already left the scene with the briefcase, despite some money being left on the ground.

"Why... why did you stopped me?" Hayaru said, seemingly calming down. Momoi then sighs at his friend's change of attitude.

"Look, violence is not the way. If you punched her, then you might get arrested for violence on women." Momoi explained.

"I don't fucking care... that bitch had it coming after all this time." Hayaru glared at his friend.

"Then let's just go home. And this time, I'm coming with you." Hayaru's eyes went wide at Momoi's intent, making him confused, before Momoi elaborate, "I just don't want to leave you alone after what just happened."

Momoi then holds Hayaru's hand before going out of the school area, with the latter went silent after hearing the former's reason. From afar, Yuniko, who is holding the now closed briefcase, looked at the two boys leaving, visibly saddened of how it turned out with Hayaru.

"I'm so sorry, Hayaru-kun..." Yuniko choked in tears, "Please... let me repay your kindness... let us truly be friends..." She continues to regret over her past, proving once again that she's truly selfish.

Little did anyone know, someone was watching the whole scene through the security camera, where someone is worried about the development towards one of her student.

"This is worse than I thought..." She muttered. "Seriously... why did you neglect your own son, Maya-chan?"

(As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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